After his battle with DIO, Jotaro Kujo and Joseph Joestar return home to Suzie and Holly. Suzie and Joseph go back and live on with their lives together happily (even though Joseph cheats on her) and Jotaro goes with his mom. just when Jotaro thinks...
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My mind: what's going on? Why is she mad?
Aru: Jotaro I can't do this anymore! I want to be stong like you and make you happy! But I can never get one complement, or a good job, a keep up the good work, or anything like that! You dont care!
Me: Aru I do care...i get it now it's a dream.
Aru: what do you mean a dream? Jotaro? Jotaro?!
*Jotaro's eyes open fast and is looks up to see who called his name*
Aru: your up! Finally!
Tyran: we thought you were dead dude!
Me: ...
*I get up and soon hear someone's stomach growl*
Tyran: that wasn't me!
*we both look at aru*
Aru:...I'll be fine. We should get going.
Me: let's get something to eat.
Aru: but we will miss our ride!
Me: we can catch the next train.
Aru: but..
Me: you did throw up alot last night. Your probably starving now.
Tyran: yea, aru it will be ok. We need to worry about your health too.
*aru smiles and summons Ruby Crown*
Aru: Crown let's get some breakfast!
*she starts singing about food in the most worst tune, but I liked it*
Me: ok now be quiet before we get kicked out of here this soon.
Tyran: oh aru you sing beautifully~
Aru: tyran now your gonna make me throw up. I dont like compliments.
Tyran: I didn't know that😅
Me: get your things packed. I'll be waiting outside.
-------------------------------------- All of their things are Packed and they are now About to go to a dinner ---------------------------------------
Tyran: what are you gonna get dear?
Aru: the usual
Tyran: for breakfast?
Aru: yea of course.
Me: your diet shouldn't consist of only meat. You should try eating a salad or some kind of green-
Aru: so I should eat vegetables because I'm fat and only eat meat?
Me: aru-
Aru: your paying for my food, and im done talking to you right now.
*she then gets ahead or me and Tyran and has a ticked off face*
Tyran: it's ok Jotaro, this has happened to me should give her some space.
Me: just shut up Tyran.
----------------------------------- Author- hey my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed this part. Dont you all kind of feel bad for Tyran sometimes😂. Oh yeah!! My new story Josuke and the others is out! I hope you go and read it! Byeee😘