Wedding day

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Today was Bek's big day.

The day you dream about since you were a little girl.

We were in our parents bedroom with her bridesmaids & the make up artists, getting ready.

"We've got half an hour ladies, let's get into dresses." Mum said, refilling our champagnes.

"Oh my god." I heard Bek mumble & I looked at her.

"Sis, it's okay. You've been waiting for this moment your whole life. Once you see Kyle all your butterflies will go away, I promise."

She nodded, skulling her champagne & I smiled.

"Now come on, let's get you in that dress to marry the man of your dreams." I whispered, hugging her.

"I love you B."

"I love you more."

She took a breath & nodded.

"Let's get the dress on."

— At the church —

"You look very pretty." Kalyn whispered, grabbing onto my arm as we walked down the aisle.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I mumbled, smiling at everyone in the church.

"Kyles crying." I whispered, smiling at him.

"Girl." Kalyn whispered, grinning.

"Like you wouldn't." I said, still smiling.

"Maybe one day."

"Stop talking to me." I whispered, waving to our families.

Every girl in the crowd was whispering to their friends, staring at Kalyn & I grinned.

I seen him grin in the corner of my eye & I smiled.

We reached Kyle & I gave him a hug.

"You're gonna do great."

He smiled & nodded, taking a deep breath.

I stood beside the spot where Bek would be & everyone stood.

She got to the start of the aisle & my jaw dropped.

Straightaway Kyle broke down & seeing him, made Bek & I both burst into tears too.

My sister was a real living angel.
She was the most beautiful person in the world today.

— At the reception —
"Wanna dance?" Kalyn asked me & I smiled, grabbing his hand and following him to the dance floor.

"I hope you don't have two left feet."

"Nah, mum made all four of us go to dance lessons so we wouldn't be crap." He laughed & I joined him.

"That's hilarious."

"Embarrassing though, you're like one of the only people I've ever told." He whispered & I nodded, grinning at him.

"Your secrets safe with me."

"So no boyfriend hanging around then?" He asked, looking around the room.

"Nope, just broke up with one recently."

"That's no good."

"Is it?"

He grinned & put a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Nah, I was lying."

I grinned and laid my head on his shoulder.

"You didn't ask me if I had a girlfriend."

"I checked your Facebook already..." I started but immediately shut up when I realised what I'd said.

"You stalked me?"

"No." I mumbled, still with my head on his shoulder.

"My goodness, might have to stay away from you, seem a little too crazy." He laughed and I let out a giggle, glaring at him.

"I can be."

He raised his eyebrows & a faster song came on.

I grabbed his hand & moved back a little.

He grinned, spinning me & we danced to the beat.

I couldn't remember a part of the song where I wasn't laughing at Kalyn's 'cool' moves.
His words not mine.

Brandon & his girlfriend came over to us & she smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Brandon's girlfriend Kate."

"Hi Kate, I'm Bailee, brides sister." I laughed & she nodded, waving bye to us.

"She was nice."

"She's a bitch." Kalyn laughed, spinning me again.


"She's nice to your face. Cow behind your back."

"So don't go near her?"

"I wouldn't. She's a manipulator. She's literally played up on him before, he's just too stupid & takes her back."

"He did tell me he was on pills for uni, like to calm him down."

"Yeah, because of her."

"I kinda got the gold digging vibe off her before."

"That's her, little bitch." He said, glaring at her from across the room.

"Come on, let's get a drink."

We walked to the bar & both got a beer.

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