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"Billy?" I called out, walking back in the door to home & he groaned, sitting up from the couch.

"I fell asleep, how'd Kalyn go?"

"They won."

"Nice. He gone out to celebrate?"


"Why didn't you go too?"

I looked down at Lottie & then back up at him & laughed.

"I thought it was obvious."

"I'll watch her, you go out with your man and celebrate."

"Would you?"

"Course B, you're still young anyways, enjoy it."

I smiled & handed him Lottie, going upstairs to get ready.

I put on my black matching set & my wedge heels.

"I'll call you when we're coming home."

"Don't stress. Have fun sis." He laughed, kissing my forehead & hugging me.

I met the boys & their partners at the club house & grabbed a glass of wine as I walked in.

"Hey gorgeous!" Aria called, hugging me.

"Hi, oh my goodness, what a game!"

"Yeah, so glad they won. You look ridiculous." She said, twirling me around to have a proper look at my outfit.

"Haha, I feel a little insecure with all this stomach showing after just having Lots."

"Well you look amazing so I wouldn't worry about it."

"Thanks girl, you're looking stunning too. This a Zimmerman dress?"

She grinned & did a twirl for me.

"You know it is."

I laughed and we had a girl chat for a while.

I left Aria to find Kalyn & he was standing by the bar, talking to some of the boys from his team.

I waved to him & he shook hands with them and walked over to me.

"Hi baby." He whispered, putting my hair behind my ear and pressing his lips on mine.

I smiled & held his waist with my freehand.

"I'm so proud of you." I said, finishing the rest of my wine.

"Uh oh mommas night out." He laughed, grabbing me a refill.

I grinned and skulled that one too.

"Here comes the girl I met years ago." He laughed & Lydia came over to me.

"Lovely, I'm staying with you tonight." She laughed, finishing her wine off too.

I laughed and she grinned,
"I was standing there with Stef but she was trying to compare my kids poops to hers and I didn't come on my one night off to talk about that crap, no pun intended."

I laughed and she joined me,
"Let's get fucked up." She cheered & I started dancing to the music.

"I'll see you after baby."

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