Lottie's Grand Final Debut

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"Go daddy!" I cheered, holding Lottie in the air & watched as Kalyn made a solid run to score a try.

They were versing the Bulldogs & it was grand final night.

He crossed the line & the timer went off.

The crowd cheered & I joined them.

"Daddy scored the winning try." I said, watching him celebrate with his teammates.

I walked down to the sideline & Kalyn ran over.

He pressed his lips on mine, holding my cheeks & I smiled.

"Congrats daddy, you're the champ." I said, handing Lottie over to him.

"I'll take her for a lap." I nodded & grinned, watching him wave to the crowds of fans cheering his name & holding Lots.

"Kalyn! That was some try." The TV presenter said to him and he sighed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Cheers, glad the boy's set that up for me." He laughed as Lottie smiled up at him.

"And this is your baby girls debut to footy?"

"Yeah, clearly she loves it." He laughed & the girl interviewing him, smiled.

"So you & your partner, Bailee have yet to announce her name yet."

"Oh you mean you don't know what her name is?" He asked her & she looked confused.

I laughed & he unzipped her jacket, holding her back to the girl where we had her name printed on her own little jersey.

Lottie Ponga.

"Oh my goodness! Everyone meet Lottie Ponga! How beautiful is she!"

Kalyn laughed and everyone in the crowd cheered.

"That's the most perfect way to introduce her to your world."

"Haha my partner actually thought of it."

"Well she thought well, thanks for the chat Kalyn, we're gonna let you catch up with your team. Congratulations again. Kalyn Ponga everybody!" She yelled in the microphone & he waved to the crowds as they chanted his name.

How perfect was this moment.

I cheered as he walked around with our baby & his parents stood beside me, cheering too.

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