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Azulas pov

Hey Azula


Wow it's really him it's been a whole year since anyone as come to see me. Well I won't let him win I won't let him know how broken I am. I instantly act all Percy and confidant like my normal self.

Zuzu what a pleasant surprise what brings you here I made sure to give him my signature smirk but what he said next made tears fall from my eyes.

"I miss you your friends miss you even Mai and ty lee miss you" he said taking a seat in the small chair in front of my cell.

How can I respond to that that took me completely off guard I thought he was here to get information about some thing tell me I'll never leave this place or that he hates my guts. But......he misses me mai misses me and.....ty lee she misses me.

"Azula we want you back. I want you to be my sister again. I want you to come back with me and see what me and the avatar have done to the fire nation and how peaceful the four nations are".

I'm completely blown away wait am. I wipe my cheek I'm crying "shit" I mutter to myself as I wipe away the tears. Zuko at this point already had tears in his eyes threatening to fall. I wipe away my tears. "and what's to stop me from just setting you on fire right now and escaping". I just was staring at him blankly. "

"The same thing that stoped you from killing the guards that come in here to bring you food".

All I could do was stare back at him. Every time I think about escaping or killing a guard I just see my mother. Ya I no I'm probably going insane but every time I see her she tells me what I mean to her she tells me I'm not a monster and that she loves me. Actually that's all I've ever wanted her to say to me it always calms me down she tells me I must serve my sentence in peace to restore my honor in zuko to our family and to the world and for some stupid reason I always think she's right.

"Azula we want to give you a second chance I want you to help me rule the fire nation and keep the long lasting peace between the 4 nations. I no deep down you new you were fighting on the wrong side in the war".

He just kept staring at me with that blank look I wanted to say he was wrong and scold him for it but than he might not let me out of here and I think he's right anyway.

Time skip (sorry I'm lazy)

Walking through the palace with zuko was nice especially because I wasn't chained up but it had a different feeling to it. It wasn't dark and dimly lit it was bright so bright I haft to brace my self every time zuko opens a door.

"We're here" he said opening the door to the throne room and ushering me inside.

He made sure to close the doors behind me and stood in front on them

"Um hey Azula"

Why dose that voice sound familiar so annoying....I couldn't be could it.

The rather small figure walked out of the shadows it was the avatar

All of a sudden I felt all my rage come back filling my mind my soul I didn't even realize my fists were clenched and wrapped in a ball of my signature blue fire.

"Azula don't" I turned around to see mai and ty lee rush into the room past zuko both in a fighting stance mai with her knifes in hand and ty lee in her chi blocking stance.

I slowly unclench my hands and my fire dies down and withers away. As I open my hands I take a deep breathe and turn around.

"I'm sorry I ca-" was cut off my ty lee running up to me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug I swear she can be a body builder or something she's stronger than she looks. she's crying into my shoulder her tears were staining my ugly brown jump suit but I'm not complaining I'm just glad she's hugging me. But as happy as I was I'm still scared and confused about how I'm feeling about her ty was followed my mai walking towards me with her normal expression. She walked up and hugged me softly and whispered to me "it good to have you back".

(Ty is ty lees nick name)

I guess ty herd her say than because the next thing she did was scream. "you can say that again"

I couldn't help but smile ty lee is so cute and innocent but she can be dangerous when she wants to and that's something I really like about her.

"Anyway I'm glad you all got to catch up" zuko spoke up "but we need to address the matter at hand" every body in the room started staring at me.

"Azula are you feel any remorse for what you've done". aang spoke up.

I regret what I did to mai ty and zuko but I'm not completely sure about everything else's I still wish I was crowned fire lord.

I when I see mother I know it's only in my head but she's helped me so much. To see the wrong and good in me and I no what about me needs to change I am thankful for that but I still hate her.

"Yes I regret everything I've done I've hurt people....so many people and I'm sorry I'm sorry and is especially sorry I hurt you guys".

Aang looked me up and down I think he was just trying to size me up make sure I was telling the truth. "ok I believe you" he said

I sighed in relief

"But to make sure you never do anything like that again and to make sure you don't kill anyone I'm going to take away your fire bending".

"What" I yelled

"You can't do that" I screamed. Yes he can zuko said from behind me. "We need to be sure you can be trusted and without your bending you'll be a lot more trust worthy" aang said walking towards me.

I looked back at mai and ty. Mai was hugging ty trying to sooth her crying.

"Please Azula let aang do this". zuko said grabbing me and forcing me onto my knees.

Usually I can fight zuko I know I'm stronger than him.  I'm the better fighter and my fire bending is stronger but after being in that stupid cage for a year it's left me feeling weak and helpless.

I watched aang helplessly as he put his thumb and forefinger on my forehead.

"Wait" I screamed please don't take away my bending. "I understand what I did was wrong and I no I can never take back the things that I did but please. My bending is the only thing I have left. It's the biggest part of me if you take it away I'll lose a part of me forever please believe me when I say I'll always use my power for good like you and I won't ever hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it. as much as I tried to fight it tears were completely spilling out of my eyes at this point the rivers of tears flowed down my cheeks and off my chin I can't believe I'm making myself look like a fool while crying but right now I don't care.

I watched aang intensely he looked indifferent like he didn't no what to do he looked at war with himself for awhile.

After what seemed like minutes he finally removed his hand from my face. "I can't" Aang said.

"what what do you mean you can't" zuko spoke up.

I won't take her bending away I can't. When I took ozis fire bending away it's because I had no choice and he was never going to change. With Azula it just feels different he said motioning towards me.

"you won't regret this I promise" I said standing up.

"I hope not" Zuko said wrapping his arm around mai as they both walked out of the room.

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