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Tophs pov

This vacation is gonna be great and I really need it I mean I've literally been living in the fire nation for a year now so it's no surprise that's I get annoyed a lot

Everyone was thinking about taking the small wooden boat but I made them change they're minds because I'm blind and I can only see when I'm standing on Earth or metal so we took a huge metal fire nation ship instead

Zuko and mai were down in one of the bedrooms doing god no's what sokka and suki were on the deck but sokka kept pranking Azula and when she screamed at him to stop blue flames rose up around her pushed sokka down he wasn't mad though he just laughed it off and took suki down stairs aang was out flying with apa his flying bison because he didn't want to be on the ship so the only people on the deck were me katara Azula and ty lee

Me and katara we're both sitting down in the middle of the deck playing cards

Hit me I say with katara throwing me another card

Damnit I bust I yell smacking my cards down to the table with one hand that made a smirk fall on katara lips she

( Toph can feel the cards thats how she plays 😁)

Oh sorry we heard from the other side of the deck it was ty lee she accidentally smacked Azula in the face it's fine Azula said rubbing her cheek she looked like she was trying hard not to scream at her but than ty put her head on Azulas shoulder and her face went blank and she went wide eyed

I giggled there cute together don't you think katara turned and looked at me stunned w-what are you talking about

Umm do I haft to spell it out for you every one no's that they like each other kataras eyes go wide and she looks back at me and them I swear she's dumb sometimes

I'm confused he said finally giving me all of her attention what's there to be confused about your dating aang aren't you

That's not the point she snapped at me

Woh what's got you all bent into shape

Ty lee is such a beautiful smart fun loving girl sure she used to be on Azulas side but she changed

What's your point I said getting board of what she was saying

How can she love a monster like Azula

I watched her with shock I mean how can she think that sure she used to be evil but sense she's been out and joined the team she's done nothing but used her powers for good

Hey Azula isn't that person anymore and I get you have trust issues I mean remember how hard it was for you to trust zuko i was getting annoyed katara was my friend be so was Azula it took awhile for me to trust her but when I did I realized be both have a lot in common

She hasn't really changed just wait the moment she has a opportunity to take the throne she will and I'll be there to stops her katara was back to fully staring at them at this point

Before I could say anything else aang flew over head

Hey guys you'll be there in a few minutes get ready. And without a mother word he took off back in the direction of ember island

Katara never took her eyes away from Azula and ty lee even when aang showed up she still just stared at them

Ok I'll leave you alone......crazy I mumbled the last part to myself katara needs to chill nothing is gonna happen

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