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My writing is still very iffy at the moment plz bare with me

Azulas pov

For the first time ever I actually got a good night sleep no nightmares about my mom or him for once.

I woke up to the burning sensation from the sun on my face. It's so bright I can see it through my eye lids. I should have closed the curtains last night.

I struggled to open my eyes it feels like they're glued shut. After my huge internal battle to not go back to sleep I finally opened my eyes. I tried to get up but something stopped me.

I can feel something wrapped around me under the blanket. It feels warm and comfortable.

I lifted up the blankets to reveal ty lee cuddled up to me under the covers. She looks really cute when she sleeps. Seeing her like this makes me feel a certain way. I can't really describe it but i like this feeling. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. so last night really wasn't a dream.

I slowly got out of bed unwrapping myself from ty lees arms. I was immediately hit by a gust of wind from the open window that sent shivers down my spine I miss her warmth already.

I slowly stumble to the bathroom it's still early so I'm pretty tired. When I got into the bathroom I make my way to the sink to splash some water in my face to hopefully wake me up.
(There's a sink just go with it lol)

"Hi sweetie" I herd a voice call out to me. I looked up from the sink and look towards the mirror in front of me. But I instead of my reflection all I can see is my mom.

"What do you want now" I said looking back down to the sink. "Im so happy you told her how you felt" she said a smile forming on her lips.

"Why do you even care this much your dead" I said looking back up at her. "Because I love you Azula"as soon as those words left her mouth I felt a surge of anger shoot through my body. usually when she says that it calms me down but now all it brings me is pain.

"Why couldn't you have said that when you were alive. Why didn't you hug me and kiss me just like you did with Zuko. Was I to much of a monster for you to love back then". At this point I really had no idea what I was saying. it was like this has been building up in me for the past year I've been seeing her.

"I love you Azula" she said for the second time. I don't know why but all this did was anger me more. I looked back up to the mirror and punched it with all the force I could muster holding back my fire bending.

Glass flew all over the room and for a moment I felt like I could see my mom in every individual peice that flew past me. There was a loud ringing in my ears and everything was blurry.

"Azula are you ok" I hear a muffled voice call out to me from the other room. The door swung open and ty lee ran in the ringing stopped.

"Azula oh my god" I looked at ty she had a look of horror mixed with fear on her face. She ran over to me and grabbed my hand. "Are you ok" she said examining it I looked down to the hand I used to punch the mirror. It was bleeding a lot my knuckles were sliced and blood was covering my whole hand dripping down my arm.

My whole hand was covered in a thick coating of red. Before I could say anything ty yanked my other arm lightly and dragged me back into the bed room and sat me on the bed. "Wait here" she said walking back into the bathroom.

Ty lees pov

I don't know what happened to Azula but it scared me and I'm not scared of her I'm scared because she hurt herself.

After several minutes of me tearing apart the bathroom i finally found gauze and bandages. 

I leaped out of the room where I saw Azula still sitting on the edge of the Bed. Her bleeding hand was on her leg covering it in blood as well.

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