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Azulas pov

It's been 2 months since I've been let out of prison and I gotta say things have been running pretty smoothly....Well as smoothly as things can go when most of the nation was upset that I was let out of jail In the first place especially because I was once again called princess of the fire nation even though I didn't really have any political power. I still feel happy every one agreed maybe in a few years I can once again have a say in what happened in the nation but for now I'm just more useless than ever.

Most people in team avatar I guess that's what they call it I don't know it's a stupid name. Most of them were hesitant at first but day by day I showed them that I could be trusted. Zuko aang mai and ty helped me with that but no matter what I do no matter how much I try to help no matter how much it pains me to do so katara still hates my guts but I don't blame her I did try to kill her more than once but I would be lying if I said I liked her.

Turns out team avatar isn't that bad I actually like being around them there funny and nice and caring....everything my father wasn't. I especially like being around ty lee the most I just love talking to her playing with her she even tried to teach me acrobatics i mean that didn't end so well but I had fun. But every time I'm around her I just feel something in the pit of my stomach telling me to get away from her I really don't understand what I feel towards her.

I was sitting in my room brushing through my hair glad it grew back from when I cut it when I herd a knock.

"Hey Azula can we talk for a minute". It was zuko "umm ya come in". I said pulling the brush away from my head and setting it on my desk.

He opened the door slowly

"So what's on your mind zuzu" I said smirking.  I saw his face scrunch up with anger. "I told you to stop calling me that" he yelled. I know he hates the name but I love getting a reaction out of him. I do it now and again to let him know I'm returning to my old self...well mostly to my old self anyway.

"Anyway we're all going to ember island for the week and....Ty Lee wanted to no if you wanted to come with us".

"She dose" I said sounding way to excited. "umm ya I'll come but only because of how boarding it is here".

"Glad to hear it get packed we all leave Tomorrow". "I'm really gonna need this vacation". He said starting to walk out the door.

"Hey zuko" I said stopping him from leaving. He turned with a confused look. "what's up".

It took me a moment to put my thoughts into words why is this so hard to ask. I mean I've planned it out a million times in my head.

"Why did you forgive me for everything that I did". I said looking him straight in the eyes.

He paused for a minute and broke eye contact looking down at the ground. "I used to be like you always fighting for fathers approval and just like you I would do anything to get it". "I did anything to get it including hurting people but I changed and the avatar saw that change he saw the good in me he gave me a second chance. Just like we're giving you one we all see the good in you".

Tears form in my eyes but I won't let them fall

"Uncle is back from his trip I know he would want to see you. And I'm sure he'll for give you to". he said turning back around to face the door.

"Good night" he said as he closed the the door leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Will uncle really forgive me I mean I shot him with lightning I tried to capture him and.... before I could finish my thought I was already down the hall and my hand was on his door handle

Well it's now or never Azula I opened the door so slowly that I'm pretty sure time stoped around me I saw him at his bed unpacking his suit case

I cleared my throat and he jumped

He turned around and all I saw on his face was shock he wasn't moving he was just staring at me with big bug eyes

Fine I can tell I'm not wanted her I said choking back tears I turned around to run back to my room buts that's when Arms wrapped around me from behind it was uncle and he was hugging me

I was surprised at first the world seemed to stop it took me a minute but I hugged back I missed him so much

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