New Drama

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Noryn's POV

" Where are we going, Nora? I have a lot to complete today." Cara said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" We are going to the fabric house and going to break the executive's face today. He is late for the delivery already." I said to her.

" We could have talked to him on phone. It's the same." She said.

" I tried but that moron needs to put on some sense in his brain directly. So, we have to go and show him some of the ways to do so." I said to her.

" Richard will kill me, dude. He told me to help him in this already." She said to him.

" No, worries. If he tries to kill you I will stop him." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" There you go. We reached here." She said and I parked the car on the parking lot. We got down from the car.

We entered the lift to reach the floor of the stupid. I mean Mr. Rodriguez. I am going to tell him today what can that effect if he messed up with me. We came out of the lift and I bumped into someone at once.

" The hell!!!" I said rubbing my arm. "Are you-" I stopped as I found Julian standing in front of me. I looked at him weirdly for awhile. Or who knows it can be his twin. " Julian?" I asked him.

" I am Roman. Are you ok, Ms. Wilson?" He asked me and I sighed.

" I am perfectly fine." I said. " Oh, meet her. She is Cara my colleague and Cara he is-" I was saying but she cut me.

" Julian. I know him." Cara said.

" No, he is Roman. Julian's twin." I said and she looked at him for awhile.

" I still know him." She said. " But I am sorry. Not very nice to meet you, Mr. Northscott." She said coldly.

" What's wrong?" I asked her.

" Nothing wrong. You talk to him. I am going to Mr. Rodriguez's cabin." She said walking away.

" What's wrong with this girl now?" I asked myself.

" Is she ok?" He asked me looking at the way she left.

" She is fine. No worries. She just has an issue with Julian. I bet you know that better than me, don't you?" I asked him.

" Yeah. I do." He said.

" Very well then." I said. " Why were you here? You had some works?" I asked like a stupid. Definitely he would have some works here. He chuckled.

" Yeah. Had some works with Mr. Rodriguez. What about you?" He asked me.

" Same here. Came to meet Mr. Rodriguez." I said to him.

" That's great. I guess it's quite busy schedule to you." He said.

" Very very tight schedule. I have tons of works still pending. I haven't touched them yet and there is a big event in a few days." I said to him.

" I can understand." He said.

" Very well but why didn't you come to the party that day? I have invited you. Julian came but you didn't. What had happened that day?" I asked him.

" Oh, I was out of town because of some business meeting." He said.

" I told you first. You should come to the party." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Alright. If you want I can make it up to you." He said.

" Well how will you do that, Mr. Northscott?" I asked him and he smiled.

" That depends on you. What do you want me to do?" He asked me.

" Come on a date with me." I joked.

" Ok." He said and I looked at him weirdly.

He said 'yes'??? I mean seriously he wants to go on a date with me?!! What's wrong today?! Am I looking alright today?! Generally I look like a certified tomboy and with that sharp tongue of mine I am always ready blast the good moods even of my own.

" Ok?" I asked him.

" Hmm... Ok. If you want that." He said to me.

" I was joking. Well, if you are serious then I can find out some time from my tight schedule." I said to.him.

" Finish your work first." He said. " I will call you later."

" Do you have my number?" I asked him.

" No." He said.

" Then how will you call me?" I asked him and he chuckled before taking my phone and holding it in front of my face to open the security lock.

I looked at him weirdly. He dialled his number and then have my phone back to me. He saved my number and I looked at him weirdly.

" Now I do. I will call you later. Or you can call me. Cause you also have my number now. You can call me when you are free." He said to me.

" Actually I never thought that you will agree with me this easily." I said to him and he chuckled.

" You can take it back if you want to." He said and I chuckled.

" I am not going to miss the chance to go on a date with a hot guy." I joked and he chuckled.

" You are very experienced with dating stuffs. I see." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Zero experience about dating." I said to him. " Not interested in all those stuffs."

" Then suddenly why did you ask me?" He asked me.

" I was joking. But it's ok." I said to him.

" You must be getting late." He said to me.

" Am I a boring person to talk to?" I asked him.

" No, not at all. But your colleague is waiting for you at Mr. Rodriguez's cabin. You better not make her wait for long. She will be uncomfortable." He said and I chuckled.

" Sure. Bye then." I said to him.

" Bye. Take care." He said before walking inside the lift.

I don't know if it's only me or he really meant those words 'take care' cause I felt like he was saying that from his heart not just because he had to say that. I chuckled and went to Mr. Rodriguez's cabin.

I found Cara already discussing things with him. I joined them. It was a long day. When I came back from office I felt like hell was calling me. I needed sleep. But as soon as I stepped into my room the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and I narrowed my eyes seeing the person standing on the doorstep. What is he doing here?! What is the new drama now?!

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