Crazy Guy

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Noryn's POV

I kept quiet as he was driving the car with full speed and I hate speed. It scares me like hell. But I was still quiet. I kept clutching on the seatbelt. I kept recalling God. I think I am going to die today. I kept my eyes shut tightly. I suddenly felt that the car is stopped. I was shaking badly. My heart was beating crazily inside like it will explode in awhile. I kept sitting there closing my eyes like a statue. I didn't have much energy to do anything as my whole body was shaking badly.

He was standing outside of the car. He opened the door and dragged me out of there. I kept quiet cause I am not used to this face of him. He never showed this face to me before. He was angry with me the day we got married but he didn't show that to me that day. But today he was very very angry. I can't kinda face it. He took me to the penthouse. I think this is Northscott's branch in London. He locked the door and dragged me to the bed room. He kicked the door behind to shut it before coming towards me. I gulped. He reached me and grabbed my arms tightly.

" Where is your common sense, huh?!!" He asked me and I gulped.

" I..." I tried to say but he shouted at me before that.

" Shut up!!!" He said glaring at me hard. " Are you a kid?!! You even took the kids with you as well." He said very coldly. " Ask yourself and tell me you think that was a good place for you?! You wanted to go to the bar, fine. I didn't stop you but why did you took kids with you?! You could have gone with your friends but they are underage. You have lost your mind somewhere, right?" He asked me gritting.

" I have a reason for that." I said to him.

" You have a reason?!! Which reason?! You are caged because you are married?! Did I stop you from doing anything? I never but you made a mistake. And you lied to me. What did you think?! You thought that you will lie to me and I will not be able to find it out, right?" He asked me.

" I was going to tell you later." I said to him.

" When?! If something happened then?!" He asked me.

" What will happen?! Sam and Norman was with me." I said to him.

" Sam and Norman are still kids. You shouldn't take them there." He said.

" But I had a reason." I said to him.

" No reason can be behind that." He said. " You know how those drunk bast*rd were looking at you?! Do you have any idea about it?" He asked shaking me a bit. I closed my eyes. " If I wouldn't be there in time you won't even be able to imagine what would have happened to you by now. Do you think that is a joke?!" He shouted at me and I trembled. " How will you know that?! You were sitting there enjoying talking to another drunk woman." He said. " Have you touched it?! If you have then go take a shower immediately. I hate the smell of it." He said to me. I shook my head.

" You lied to me. It wasn't at all expected. You-" he was saying but his phone started to ring. He picked his phone out.

" Who is dying?" He gritted and listened to the other side.

He left me and walked out of there. I sat on the bed. He didn't even let me explain. I know he was worried and I shouldn't have made him worried. In fact I did this because he would be worried if I would tell him about this. I wiped my tears. How could he shout at me?!! I know I was wrong for going there along with Norman and Sam. But still I was very upset that he he shouted at me like that. I lie down on the bed. I didn't want to cry but there tears were shameless shedding without any end. I was laying there shedding tears when I heard the door getting closed. I am not going to talk to him.

" Babe!!" I heard him calling me and I rolled my eyes inwardly.

He hold my hand but I pulled it away. He hold my hand again and clutched on it tightly. He pulled me closer and his eyes widened as he found me crying like that.

" What is this, Babe?! Stop crying." He said to me and I rolled my eyes but didn't stop crying.

" Come on. Don't cry like that, Babe." He said to me but I ignored him.

He sighed deeply and pulled me closer to make me sit on his lap. He wiped my tears and pinched on my nose tip. I glared at him hard. He just chuckled before kissing on my forehead.

" I am sorry." He said to me and I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything.

" I said sorry, Babe. But you are responsible for this as well. Why did you do something like that which I will not like?!" He asked me. I twisted my lips. " Come on say something." He said.

" Won't tell you." I said to him.

" Why not?" He asked caressing my cheeks.

" My wish." I said to him.

" You shouldn't have gone there. I don't like those things." He said to me.

" You didn't let me explain. Now I will not tell you anything." I said to him.

" Ok, Babe. You don't have to tell anything to be but you should know that you were wrong for going there like that." He said caressing on my neck.

I tried to ignore it but that burning sensation was too much for me to deny it. I couldn't ignore it anyways. He was that part of my life who can't never be ignored.

" And you took the kids. I know I shouldn't have shouted at you like that but I was worried about you. And those bast*rds were looking at you with those eyes that I couldn't control myself. I would have killed them already if it was Melbourne. Don't you know I can't tolerate someone else looking at you like that?!" He said and kissed on my neck. I trembled at it a bit. He pulled my shirt down and kissed on the beauty spot on my shoulder. I was trembling with every kiss.

" I am sleepy. Good night." I said to him as I got up and lay down on the bed.

I felt him hugging me from back but I didn't say anything. Cause I know that will not work. He will not let me go until he want to. He kissed on the back on my neck.

" Sorry, Babe. This won't happen ever again." He said and I sighed.

" I am sleepy." I said to him.

" And I am hungry." He said before capturing my lips in his. He pecked on my lips hard. " For this." He said before capturing my lips once again.

Crazy guy!!!

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