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Cara's POV

" That's insane. I can't do that." I said to my friends who gave me a negative nod. " You guys think it's gonna work?" I asked them.

" Kobe is a very good guy. You will like him. You guys have quite similarities too. So, I think you should go and talk to him for once." Meryl said and I sighed deeply.

So, Kobe is Meryl's friend whom she wants me to date. But I don't think I am ready for this. I still need time to move on in my life. I have to think about it but I know if I say no to her than she will be very upset. I can't make her upset. She genuinely cares about me for real and finding out a friend like her is a blessing. I am lucky for that and I don't want to spoil our friendship for that.

" One date, Bro. It will not harm you at all." Richard said.

" But I don't want to go, guys. I am still not over my breakup yet." I said to them

" Then move on now. It's now or never. If you can't move on right now then you won't be able to do that ever. Be confident and go on a date with Kobe. You will like him, Bro. You guys match each other." Meryl said to me.

" You are acting like a dating app those are available in the internet." I said to her. She rolled her eyes at this. I chuckled.

" Just go get ready. I have already told Kobe that you are coming." She said.

" What?!!" I asked her.

" Yeah. Go, get ready." She said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" But you didn't tell me about it." I said to her.

" We are going to have dinner together. You talk to him." Meryl said.

" I am not ready for that." I said to her.

" Get ready or else I will drag you there with whatever you are wearing right now." She said and Richard chuckled. I rolled my eyes at them.

I think they are not my friends anymore. They are possessed by some cursed soul. My friends wouldn't do that to me at all. I sighed. These all are traps. I took a quick shower and got ready for the dinner. I am not going to date anyone now. I still need some time for that. It  is not settled in my brain. Cause the logic is very simple. If I wanted to date someone then Richard would always be my first choice. He was always there for me. But no. I didn't date him. Cause I knew it will destroy our friendship if we break up. So, no I am not going to do that. I want his support in my life. I can't lose him. But about Meryl's friend it's not too hard to meet him once. Because even if we don't work or don't date it won't be hurting. It will not create a mess here.

" I am ready, guys." I said to them.

" Oh!!! You are looking so cute today. Otherwise you look like a shooter ready to shot anyone comes in front of you." Richard said and I threw the pillow at him. He chuckled.

" Let's go. Kobe must be waiting for us. We shouldn't be late in the first meeting." Meryl said. I sighed deeply.

We reached the restaurant Meryl asked her friend to meet us.

" There he is." Meryl said and I followed her gaze. I found the guy sitting on the corner of the restaurant doing something on his phone. "Let's go." She dragged me there.

" Hey!!" Meryl said and he looked up at us.

" Hey, Anna." He said and they hugged each other casually. I was standing there awkwardly.

" Have a seat, guys." Meryl said to us. We sat next to her.

" So, this is Richard and this is Cara." Meryl said to the guy.

" Richard Brently." Richard said extending his hand toward him.

" Kobe Sampson. Nice to meet you." He said and extended his hand toward me.

" Cara Scottie." I said to him.

" Nice to meet you." He said.

" Same here." I said to him.

We ordered our dinner. We were having dinner and talking. I was examining Kobe silently. He was a charming person with a dashing appearance but he wasn't attracting me that way. I don't know what's wrong with me. I am still stuck on my ex. I don't think I can come out of it easily.

" Oh, Finn is calling me. Guys, you keep going on I will be back." Meryl said as her phone was ringing. I nodded.

" So, you guys work together?" Kobe asked that to me.

" Yeah. We are colleagues." I said.

" Bro, you guys keep talking. I am coming in awhile." Richard said.

" Where are you going?" I asked him.

" Restroom." He said and I nodded. He left and I kept looking at my nails.

" So, you are always this silent or it's just because you are uncomfortable here?" He asked me.

" Me?! No, I am fine. I am not uncomfortable." I said to him.

" Hmm... But I think you are not. Is anything wrong?" He asked me.

" Nothing wrong." I said.

" But you are uncomfortable here. You have to agree with that." He said to me and I sighed.

" I think Meryl has told you why she has arranged the meeting." I said to him and he chuckled.

" And you are not interested in being in a relationship, right?" He asked me and I looked at him weirdly. He chuckled.

" I am a psychiatrist." He said and I nodded. " And I think you are depressed about something." He said but I didn't say anything.

I didn't have anything to say. I was devastated with Julian's re-entry in my life. I handled myself trying so hard all these years. But once he came back he took all my peace of mind away. He keeps ringing me of all those things that he has made me gone through all these years which keeps bothering me all the time and the worst part of this is I can't share this with anyone else. And depression is a very dangerous thing which kills people's metal stability slowly.

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