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(Jazmine's POV)
...Five Months Later...

We wait in line to get our boarding passes. Caesar and Maya got hungry last minute and went to the Cinnabon shop, so we're holding their place in line.

We're going to Bora Bora for 3 weeks for our graduation trip. We all need a break after the crazy year we've had. I'm not gonna lie, I had a lot of fun, though...

After the warehouse situation, I started going to therapy again. Shooting Cindy's dad was...bittersweet, to say the least. Somehow, it gave me closure to use a gun, to have control over it. I didn't want to take his life, but he would've killed Huey then everyone else. Everyday, it gets easier to be at peace with this, even though it still gets hard sometimes.

After the incident, I went with Cindy to see her mother. Ms. McPhearson took the news about her husband terribly at first. She kicked us out and wouldn't answer Cindy's calls for weeks. I really felt for both of them during that time. I felt guilty, but Cindy would keep reassuring me that it wasn't my fault and that her mom just needed time to come to terms with it. After Ms. McPhearson found out, she immediately took over the cartel. I don't approve of cartels and being a drug lord and stuff, but at least she's making her own money now.

About a month later, Ms. McPhearson started to open back up to Cindy, and Cindy went go live with her again. She's getting therapy to cope with the death of her husband, the abuse he put both of them through, and her drug addiction. From what Cindy tells me, she's still a work-in-progress, but aren't we all?...

Riley was there for her through it all too. They even made things official and went to prom together. Nobody ever thought "Young Escobar" would be cuffed, but I guess we were all wrong. I was always rooting for them.

Speaking of making things official, my family finally had dinner with Huey's a month ago. It was interesting of course, but I've always loved that about him and his family. It's never a dull moment with them. His grandfather and my dad get along well too.

Oh, wait! Caesar's in a relationship too, if you probably couldn't already tell. Her name is Maya. We all took that AP Literature class together. They fight a lot, but it's apart of what makes them a cute couple. Thankfully, we have separate rooms booked at our hotel.

Oh, yeah, and Ruckus... Um, Ruckus is still...Ruckus (how old is he again???).

I knew my life was about to change after I moved to Woodcrest, but not like this. I wasn't really sure I wanted to stay after things started to get crazy, but I'm happy I did. I would've never gotten to meet my best friends or Huey if I hadn't.

Being a new girl in a new place isn't always so bad.

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