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I was waking to school with my best friend McKayla, we were just talking about random until I get pushed down to the floor. "Ow" I cried. "Oh my god Y/N are you ok" McKayla worriedly said. "Yeah I'm fine" I said and got up.

I turned around and saw Vic and mattia. Vic was looking at me with her arms crossed and mattia had his hands in his pockets and was just looking around. "Aww what happened did my hands make contact with your back again." Vic said laughing.

" what is your problem with me Vic. Are you jealous of me." I said as I walked up closer to her. "Ha jealous, what exactly is there to be jealous of" Vic said and rolled her eyes.

"I don't know maybe cuz I'm prettier then you, maybe cuz my fashion is better then yours or maybe,  just maybe it's because your boyfriend secretly likes me" I said as I walked up to her face.

" Ha mattia don't like rats" Vic said and pushed me to the floor again. I got up and pushed her back. "Yo back off" mattia said as he pushed me away from her.

"Why don't you tell you girlfriend to back of instead of me" I quickly said back. "Oh please no one can tell me what to do." Vic then said.

The next minute I feel my nose bleeding. The pain in my nose was horrible. Vic had punched me.

"How's your nose" mattia said as he sat with me in the nurses office.

"Hurting,painful,bad,horrible but ya know other then that it's fine" I said as I looked at him and gave him a sarcastic smile.

"look it's not my fault she punched you." Mattia said.

"Whatever, hey why are you even here shouldn't you be with Vic" "Yeah. Bye dork" "Yeah bye" I said then started crying.

My nose hurt so bad. It wasn't just cuz of that though. It was also because I liked mattia and he chose Vic the bully.

Hey guys this is my first imagine I will be doing more soon. 💞

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