•Your first kiss•

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"Bye mattia" I said as I hugged him goodbye after him walking me home.
"Bye y/n" Mattia says as I walk into my garden. "Hey y/n,wait" mattia shouted.
You stopped we're you were and turned around and saw mattia standing in front of you. He grabs your waist and kisses you. You kiss him back. It felt amazing. It felt like he was the one for you. The next minute we both hear clapping. We pull away and I turn around and I see my mom standing by the door clapping. Crap. "Mom, I thought you were in work" I nervously said. "I got off early" she says and looks at mattia. "Ahh mattia,what are you doing in our garden? Because last time you were hear y/n's father pacifically told you not to set foot on the premises." My mom said as she walked up to him. "I-I'm sorry mrs y/l/n,I won't do it again" mattia said as he let go of my waist. "Now go mattia or I will phone y/n's father" my mom said quit confidentiality. Mattia bolted out of my garden. He knows how mad my dad gets. "Phone you later y/n" mattia shouted as he was running.

Me and Alejandro were sat on his bed and I was on my phone and he was on the ps4. "Hey Alejandro" I said and I got no reply. "Alejandro" I then said again. I then looked up and realized he had his headset on. I took it off and he looked at me. "what was that for" Alejandro sounded pretty annoyed. "I need to ask you something" I said. "What is it baby" "it's, it's just that some girls today said to me that your only dating me so you can look cool in front of the boys" I then said and looked down. Alejandro grabbed my chin and leaned in and kissed me. OMG. Our first kiss. I pulled back and looked at him. "I like you for who you are. Not to look cool in front of the boys. I don't care what they think about you." Alejandro commented. I then looked at him and kissed him again. " thanks ale" I then said and carried on kissing him

Me and kairi were in a little argument. Kairi was walking me home until I told him to stop.
"Hey kairi you can just leave me here my house is only across the road. Bye kai" I said and walked off. As I was walking I was grabbed. They turned me around and I saw kairi. He pulled me into his chest and kissed me. I kissed him back obviously. We pulled away and looked at each other.
"I'm sorry y/n for arguing with you." Kairi said  apologetically. "It's ok kairi" I said back to him.

It's was a Sunday and my family were having a cooked dinner. Alvaro was invited to have dinner with my parents and to get to know them a bit more. We were all sitting down at the table and my parents kept asking him questions. When the dinner was finally over I was saying goodbye to alvaro. "Bye al" I said. "Bye baby" he said and kissed me. He then walked down the pathway. "What was that" I shouted. "Oops" he shouted back. I laughed and closed the door. Man I love that boy so much.

Hey guys,sorry that kairi and Alvaro's weren't long it's just that I didn't really know what to do. Also thank you for all the votes and reads I really appreciate it.
Thanks once again. I will be posting another one as well today hopefully. 💞

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