Pls read :)

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Hey guys, wow I've taken a long break. I just came into here to say two things.

Ok so the first thing is that I will continue this book but not as much as I updated before. So basically I might update once every week or every two weeks idk.

The second thing is that I've started a new book. After the three books I published about Kairi I thought I'd do another one but not based on the nj boys because if I being honest I'm not as obsessed as I was before with them. But anyways if your a fan of the eighties and a fan of River Phoenix then you'll most likely like this book. It's called Never and it's about a girl from the poor side of town and River is from the rich side. The two end up having to secretly see each other. But why happens when their secret gets out?

 But why happens when their secret gets out?

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That's what it looks like btw. If you do wanna read it then just go onto my acc and look through my stories and it should be there.

Ok that's all, bye!

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