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Y/n's pov
Kairi has been in hospital for over 2 months now. The doctors have diagnosed him with cancer. When I found out that he had cancer I couldn't stop crying but the doctor said something else even more heart breaking. Last month the doctor said that kairi only has a few weeks left of his life. I don't wanna lose him. He's my best friend, my boyfriend I can't lose him. The doctors had also said that it was to late to cure him.
I had gone to a vending machine to get some snacks for me and kai. Once I got some snack I went back to the room. "Hey baby" I say placing the snacks down and hugging him. "Hey princess". That day me and kai just chatted and laughed.
10 days later
I walked into kairi's room and saw that he was laying down on his bed. I could see the tears coming from his eyes. "What's wrong baby" I ask and he turns around to face me. His red puffy eyes met with mine. "I-i can't do this no more princess " he reply's. "Do What kai?" "I cant pretend I'm ok when I'm not y/n. I'm in pain every day and I can't deal with it no more" he says. Tears started rolling down my eyes. "I don't want to leave you but i-I'm gonna have to, I can't deal with the pain. I'm sorry princess but I need to let go" he says. I can't catch the tears falling down my face. I just look at him and hug him really tight. "I-I'm gonna miss you kai, but..... it's ok to let go, I understand the pain baby, just let go when ever your ready." I say and kiss him. "C-could you get the doctor princess" he asks and I nod. I bring the doctor into the room and kairi nods at her and she slowly nods back. Kairi has been put on life support because he had almost gone a few times so they put him on life support. The doctor walks over to the bed and faintly smiles at the young boy laying there in pain. She unplugs the machine and I see the heart rate monitor slowly go down. I rush over to him and hug him and he hugs me back. I just start crying and crying. "I love you princess" "I love you too kai" I say as I hug him tighter. "Y-you know you can change your mind kai" "I know I can, but I'm just in to much pain baby" "it's ok" I say then the heart rate monitor beeps. I pull away from his arms and scream. "Noooo kai please" I cry. Mattia had just turned up at the time and walked into the room. He saw the lifeless boy and was shocked and hugged me. I could hear him crying as well. I just sat down on the floor and cried. I'm gonna miss him so much. "I can't believe he's gone" mattia says. I then stand up and hug him and we both cry together. Later that day mattia brought me back to his house and we told all the boys and everyone cried. We then had a group hug. "We love you kai" I whisper to the group in the hug. The boys then went to kairi's house and I went in his room and looked at all of his stuff. I then saw a diary. I opened it and started reading it.

Damn I love y/n so much, I wanna marry the girl, I want her to have my children. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want us to grow old together. I wanna see my children grow up, I wanna see them have kids of there own.

I then quickly shut the diary and tears streamed down my face. I then started to look at pictures of us together and how happy he was, how happy we were together. I then put on one of his jumpers and stayed in his room that night. I slept in his bed and cried myself to sleep. What am I gonna do without him.

Hey guys I know this is sad but I randomly thought of it. I also cried while writing this so I hope you like it.

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