𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 [ᴋᴛʜ ᴘᴏᴠ]

251 13 7

The melodious tune filled my ears, making it impossible for me to ignore it.

It was just a normal day, school as unentertaining as always. Everyone was excited for the weekend to come, rest very much needed after a week filled with tests. Overworking myself is nothing new, I'm always told to stop, I just don't listen. I feel the need to work harder than everyone else so that I can achieve what I want. It's become a habit that I can never get rid of, nobody has been able to help me.

I was ready to leave the living hell people have gotten used to calling the school. The hallways seemed to be longer, I just wanted to reach the exit. But, something stopped me, a sound. It was a habit of mine to pass by the band room every day. It was isolated from the rest of the school, always empty. Some students started a rumour that the place was haunted, keeping all souls away so they wouldn't start to carry the curse.

The sound was tempting, as if it was calling me closer to the room. Quickly drawing me, my curiosity getting the best of me, controlling my body. It was so beautiful, a repeating melody that never seemed to stop. Drawing me closer and closer to the darkroom. It was amazing, the thoughts of wanting to leave the building evaporating from my head completely. The only thought surviving was following the sound. The door was closed shut as if given the duty to guard whatever was inside.

I walked towards the brown, old door. I put my ear to the door, wanting to hear the melody a bit clearer. To my delight, it sounded way clearer, way more inviting. Without care, I opened the door silently, not wanting to interrupt the performer. I was not expecting such a beautiful sight when I entered the cold room, a boy was playing the piano. Smiling down at the instrument, eyes closed. I did the same thing, trying to focus more on the music until the keys were slammed abruptly putting a stop to the contagious tune.

I looked up to see the boy looking straight at me, a blush very obvious on his face. As if I had found out his deepest secret. But then his expression changed drastically, transforming into one of terror. The smile that had started to form in my face came to a stop, pressing my lips into a thin line. I didn't know how to react.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you, I'll leave," I said quickly, not wanting to make the boy even more uncomfortable.

"No, it's fine. Just, don't tell anyone." He dismissed quickly.

I nodded in agreement, and turned to the door, disappearing behind it rapidly. My walk to the exit resumed, my brain trying to cover up the thoughts of the mysterious boy inside the room. The attraction I was feeling towards him growing intensely. Jungkook. My crush. What a coincidence. I just hoped to see him again. He is amazing at everything, known around the school. He was that popular, but kind guy. People at our school often wondered why the two of weren't friends, seeing as we were the ones that governed the school. I wondered why I was always so shy to speak to him until I realized I had a major crush on the younger boy.
Monday morning, the same thing happened. The tune was playing from inside the lonely room, except this time I knew who it was. It brought me and even larger reason to want to go inside the room. Hoping to see him. Not this time, since I wanted to respect his privacy. I was asked to keep it a secret for a reason. If it was nothing, he would have been chill about it.
Tuesday, same deal. Except for this time I didn't want to hold back, I wanted to hear the sound clearer. It was that addicting. So, I did exactly that. I walked into the room to be met by the same heartwarming sight. He spotted me right away, but the look in his eyes was different this time. Something like determination illuminating his beautiful orbs. If you wanted to know what Jungkook was thinking, just look at his eyes. They were the answer to him. One of the many reasons I loved them. He looked at me for what felt like forever, until taking a deep breath. I was worried, thinking I went too far.

"I was waiting for you." He said calmly on the outside, but his eyes changing to express the nervousness he was feeling.

"Oh, you were? Uh, what for?" I responded, my voice quivering a little bit, what if he wanted to tell me off for spying on him?

"I'm gonna do something for the first time in my life. Be straightforward. I'm done with always hiding what I feel, and being scared for what others will think. Taehyung, I like you. I've liked you for a long time. I don't know if you feel the same, but I wanted that off my chest." He expressed, his voice now showing the slight uneasiness his eyes had been holding.

"Jungkook, I, uh, feel the same way. I didn't even know you swung that way. You don't understand how happy I am to hear that. Can I..kiss you?" I exclaimed, slowing down after seeing the crimson colour decorating his cheeks once again. "It's only if you want to! I don't want to force yo-"

"Yeah, please kiss me." He uttered quietly. Looking down.

I started walking towards him, watching as he got up from his seat in front of the piano. God, I thought this was going to be easy. He looked up, and our eyes met. We stared at each other as I carefully lifted my hand to his cheek.

"Are you sure?" I muttered once again, giving him to say no if he wanted to.

"Just do it, I'm sure." He confirmed.

I did it. The moment our lips met I felt as if a missing puzzle piece had been found. Completing the huge puzzle that represented my life. My other half, my life and death companion. Our high school reunion was the best part since everyone thought we would break up after college. No, we came back with beautiful diamond rings on our fingers. Plus a new last name. But that was just an extra detail.

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