Chapter 5

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Note: Happy barricade day everybody! I've decided to come off hiatus and publish this chapter to celebrate! Haha this fanfic is a bit cringe but I still love it. This is the chapter where the story turns from angst to fluff, so let's go!

-Next day-

Enjolras is waiting for Grantaire outside the art building while anxiously tapping his fingers on the side of his leg. He sees Grantaire leaving the building, runs towards him and calls:

"Hey 'Taire!"

Grantaire turns towards Enjolras and rushes over to him. He apologizes profusely for what happened the night before:

"Enj! I'm so sorry! I made things really awkward and then threw a huge fit! I'm so sorry, I know you probably won't be able to forgive me but-"

"Of course I forgive you!"

Enjolras interrupts.

"But... why? I drunkenly admitted that I like you then ran away. That would pretty much kill any friendship."

Grantaire asks.

"Well..." Enjolras searches his brain for a response and can only find one, he must tell the truth. "Grantaire, that night I met you... I wasn't even supposed to be handing out flyers. You were so damn cute and I just gave you it because it was an excuse to talk to you and ask you to hang out with me. I can understand if you don't want to but, please, come back to the club 'Taire."

They share a silent moment.

"Wow, we both made a very random confession... I guess we're even now?"

Grantaire replies with a chuckle.

"Yeah I guess so."

Enjolras says, smiling.

"...Anyways, the meeting is tonight at 7."

"Alright, I'll be there."

"See ya!"

-7 PM at the café Musain-

Enjolras sits at the head of the table and announces:

"I have found the topic of our first protest!"

He shows the club a newspaper.

"Large fossil fuel power plant to be built near Paris"

Combeferre reads

"What? Those are horrible for the environment! Think about all the CO₂ that would produce! And don't even get me started on the air pollution!"

Combeferre exclaims.

"Exactly! We should try to do something about this!" Says Enjolras. "So let's start by figuring out the basics. When should the rally be?"

"How about a week from now?"

Jehan suggests.

"Sounds good."

Replies Enjolras.

Grantaire looks a bit nervous and he says:

"Guys, I've never really done this protest thing before, how does this work? Like what do we do?"

"Well, we make a speech to commence the rally, then do a march with some signs and raise awareness for the cause."

Enj responds, happy that Grantaire is engaging in the discussion.

"Courf and I can plan the location and route that we will walk."

States Combeferre.

"Joly and I can make signs with Musichetta!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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