Chapter 14

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"so, what should we do now ?"
Aya asked.
"um, well, no teacher is coming, so I guess ?"
Farida suggested.

"yeah, but close the door. We should all let out our phones and listen to songs and stuff.."
Shahd Whalid said.

Honestly, that girl was cute, and funny.

We were having fun, listening to English music (I suggested that, as it's a lot better than these Arabic festival songs in my humble opinion.)
We talked about other celebrities, like Justin Bieber, because Farida was a big fan. And Billie Eilish, because we were all fans.

"well, I guess we can see Billie at some party if you all came with me in that summer vacation."
I said, smiling.
"oh, yeah ! We certainly will !"
Farida said enthusiastically, slapping me a high five.

Then the door knocked. Once.
And since we all decided to seal the door shut by putting a desk in the way, no way could someone push that open.
"who would that be ?"

Donia asked.
"I don't know. It might be one of those hallway monitors. Just ignore it."
I said.
Too bad the door knocked again.
"it has to be important."

Aya sighed, and I got up to remove the desk from the front of the door.
I pushed the door open, to look into the knocker's face.
Dark blonde hair formed into a bowl cut, piercing blue eyes, slim body.

I glanced at my boyfriend in shock.
He's here ?
I turned towards the door and closed it behind me.
"aren't you..happy to see me ?"
He said sadly.

"why didn't you call ? I needed you."
Stupid. This isn't the time for being stupid. This isn't the time to act like a jerk. Stop it.
I kept scolding myself, but my cold expression didn't leave my face.

"I'm sorry.."
He apologized. It sounded so sincere and soft. And it made me feel bad.
I didn't care. I hugged him tightly, almost choking him. I was happy, so happy.

"I'm sorry too. Yes, I'm so happy to see you Barron."
He wrapped his arms around my torso, and hugged me back.
"I missed you."
He said, a tone of sadness in his voice.

I let him go, and looked into his deep blue eyes.
"what's wrong ?"
I asked.
"no, nothing.."
I looked at him again, gently touching his cheek.

"don't lie to me, Barron."
He glanced at the ground sadly.
"I promise I'll tell you. Just not here."
I sighed.
"Are you here by yourself ?"
He nodded.

"yes, I..I wanted to see you."
I smiled at him.
"I missed you, too."
I hugged him again, pecking him on the lips.
He smiled softly, hugging me back.

"where will you stay ?"
I asked curiously.
"I'll book an hotel, no worries."
He said.
"no way ! You'll stay with me. Now come sit with us, we have no teacher."

I spoke enthusiastically, pulling him into the classroom.
"oh no, I don't think-"
He started, but was interrupted by the sight of my classmates. Including Judy.

"what a pleasant surprise.."
Judy gritted her teeth as she spoke, disgusted.

To Be Continued..


Love you guys ! Tell me what you think !

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