Chapter 64

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I sat in the lemo, thinking.
But I didn't fire Hayden. I would never do that ! He is my best friend after all.
Even if he said something stupid.

I held up my phone, and unlocked the pattern, pressing on the messages icon.
Sure enough, the last message that was sent to Hayden Summerall consisted of two words.
You're fired.

But I didn't send that.
Then who did ?
I snapped out of my thoughts when the car pulled off in front of the Summerall's house.

I sighed heavily, taking a deep breath, then knocked on the door.
A few moments later, the door opened, revealing Dylan Summerall, Hayden's older brother.
"Hello, Dylan. May I speak to Hayden ?"

I could tell that he wasn't really happy to see me, but I didn't care. I just needed to clear the situation up with Hayden.
I sat in the living room, waiting for Hayden to come down, staring awkwardly at the walls.

A few minutes later, Hayden came jogging down the stairs. He glanced at me in shock.
"Oh. Hey."
"Hello, Hayden."
I greeted softly.

"I know what you want to say. It's okay if you don't want to see me anymore, I mean, I wanted to come today to pack my things up, but honestly, I couldn't bring myself to look into your face. I was so..upset.."

"No, it's okay. Really, I wouldn't want to see someone who was being racist just to please his girlfriend. I totally get it."
He continued to talk, not seeming to hear me.

"But can you please not tell other directors about what I did so they would hire me ? I wouldn't want to stay by my mum's side forever, ya know."

"Hayden ! I did not fire you !"
He stopped talking, eyeing me in shock.
"Huh ?"
"Did you want to get fired so you can get rid of me or something ?"
I asked in confusion.

"No, of course not !"
"Then why on earth would you think that I fired you !"
I exclaimed, much to his shock.
"Because you literally sent me the words you're fired right after I said something bad about your religion..?"

"I didn't send it !"
His face was completely shocked by this point, but he tried to play it cool.
"So you're not..mad at me ?"
He gave me a questioning look as he asked.
"Oh, I'm so mad at you. But not to the point that I'd fire you, Isaak did much worse, remember ?"

He barely nodded as he threw his arms around me in a grateful hug. I returned the hug, rubbing his back gently.
"Thanks, Adelle.."


When we arrived at the location again, Johnny and Caden walked towards Hayden, welcoming him and giving him 'bro hugs'. I smiled warmly at them as I felt Pamela by my side.

"That's cute. Now, can we get back to what I was saying ?"
She started.
"Sure thing."
"So..the cast of descendants 2 wanted to meet you since we're starting to film The Queen pretty soon !"

"When is the next meeting ?"
She glanced at her wrist watch.
"Well, I promised them an hour, but you already wasted 45 minutes 15 minutes."

"Okay, let's go."

To Be Continued..


Love y'all so much ! Tell me what you think !

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