9K 551 28

Author's pov:

Jungkook and Jin wait until the two totally disappear from their sight. Jin doesn't dare to turn around to be face to face with a furious Jungkook. He doesn't get the reason why the other is so ticked off about this whole thing.

"Jungkook, I know you're angry with me as I spoke out while you told me not to, but I only did that because they would get suspicious if I didn't say anything." Jin whispers as he turns around towards the other hesitantly.

"Have you gone nuts?" Jungkook shoots the question at the human at the speed of light.

"What?!" Jin can't help but ask, completely dumbfounded by the sudden words.

"Have you gone nuts?" Jungkook repeats his question, stressing on every word. Jin tries to find something appropriate to say to the other without making him losing his cool even more, but Jungkook doesn't even let him answer at the end.

"Yeah, you've definitely gone nuts, otherwise you wouldn't tell your real name to strangers, a couple of vampires to be more specific here for you." Jungkook crosses his arms over his chest in annoyance.

"V-vampires?!" Jin can't help his stuttering. Jungkook sighs deeply, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Follow me." He utters emotionlessly and starts walking again. Jin runs after him hurriedly. He doesn't move an inch away from Jungkook from that moment on, not caring anymore that his body touches Jungkook's bare one. After knowing about all these stuffs, the only person he can trust is somehow this cold-hearted werewolf!

He thinks about his friends now. He really wants to see them and apologize for everything he has told and done. His head aches as so much unbelievable information has crowded his mind in just one single day.

They walk for about fifteen minutes. Every time Jin hears tiniest sounds, he clings to Jungkook who seems completely unfazed by his weird actions.

Finally, they stop in front of a brick wall. Jungkook goes towards it and begins brushing his palms over the bricks. Jin stares at him like he has lost his mind.

"So, this is the way he's gonna take me home through. No way he's fine!" He thinks in complete disbelief.

"Come on!" Jungkook groans out loud while touching all the bricks one by one.

"Jungkook, maybe this is the wrong way. We should take another turn." Jin speaks softly as he gets closer to the other. He puts his hand on the werewolf's shoulder hesitantly.

"AHA!" Jungkook shouts out and presses one of the bricks. And there, a path opens up gradually, shining bright at first but then becoming as real as reality could be. The path that Jin knows in all details appears before him once more. He gasps and steps back, his hand dropping from the other's shoulder.

"Ok, now human, you're on your own from here. Remember don't look back, and also don't breathe anything about here to anyone." Jungkook steps aside and lets Jin go through.

"Thank you, Jungkook." Jin whispers before entering the path. The other nods at him curtly, holding a serious expression.

Jin waves at him and starts running at the fastest speed he can do. As he's speeding up towards the end of the path, the voice from earlier starts recreating in his mind again.

"We'll see each other again. We'll see each other. We'll see..." Jin closes his eyes and presses his hands over his ears to shut it down.

When he reaches the end, it stops immediately, and that's when the world starts spinning around him as his body feels too weak. All he can see from then is only pitch darkness, and he blacks out.

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