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Author's pov:

Expectedly, Jin wakes up with lots of cricks in his neck. He fell asleep on the chair last night, and right now his body screams out due to an unbearable pain, mostly in his back area. He takes a glance at his wall clock in the room. Thankfully, he still has time before his first class starts.

He stands up lazily and checks himself in the mirror in his room. His face looks like shit, and that's the first time he realizes something very important. He has his own clothes on. He remembers clearly he was wearing Jungkook's clothes in the forest the night before. Being exhausted to no actual end, his reaction can't get any louder than the curses in his mind.

He frees himself of all of his clothes and springs into the bathroom connected to his room. Their house is not any big or luxorious one, but the only advantage it has is that both his room and his mother's, which are the only two bedrooms in the house, have their own bathrooms. He has never run into his mom naked thanks to this fact.

He soaks his hair and body under the warm water of the shower. It replenishes his muscles, but it doesn't help his disheveled mind. Nothing can help his mind for the time being and maybe even for a longer time he can't predict at the present.

He walks to his room, holding his towel in his hand. Drops of water spill on the carpet as he hasn't dried himself yet. He does that in his room.

The young boy doesn't dry his hair as he has to use the hair dryer. That only means lots of noises, and lots of noises mean waking up his mom. He had enough of problems. Her god knows admonitory speech is just going to screw his mood more.

He puts on a simple black hoodie and black jeans. He usually takes more time on his style and uses pastel colors, but today he doesn't care about that, either. He sits on the chair again, waiting for his hair to be at least less damper.

Being almost completely appetiteless, he doesn't eat anything and picks more money to buy something in his school café as to not starve later.

With a tired body and damp hair, he picks up his backpack and tiptoes his way out of the house to school.

He had the picture of school building in his head, but somehow his feet drag him along another path, to the building.

The old obnoxious building with the bricks walls.

He touches the front wall a couple of times to make sure if it's see-through or leads him to the forest by some miracle, but nothing happens; it's just an old wall.


School has been nothing but terrible since his first class. He got reprimanded for not doing any of his assignments. If only his teachers knew what he went through last night!

At the time being, he's in school café to get something to eat. It's lunch time and that's the first time in the day he can deal with his new felt starvation. Hopefully, none of his friends are there. He avoided all of them for the day. For some absolutely known reason, only to him though, he can't face any of them; at least not today, because somehow he feels ashamed.

He sits in their usual table without thinking much about it. If his friends wanted to eat something, they would be there sooner than that.

As ordered, he begins eating his Kimchi fried chicken while reviewing all that happened in the forest for god knows how many times in his mind. Suddenly out of nowhere, Hoseok and Ken burst into the café like the loud dudes they are!

"Ah, you're here, Jin. We were searching everywhere for your ass." Hoseok whines, and they both sit down across from Jin on their table.

"Hey, guys." Jin's voice is terribly weak that the other two squint their eyes for a moment.

"Are you alright, Jin?!" Ken asks in worry.

"Yeah, what made you think I'm not doing fine?" The one talent Jin is so grateful for possessing is acting. He's able to grasp the situation back for himself any time he wants.

"Nothing! Just asking." Ken lets out awkwardly and scratches the back of his head. There, Jin is the winner of this acting game forever!

"We're going to a party tonight for the first time in our pathetic lives. So, we wanted to ask you to come too, but you weren't anywhere today to be found until now." Hoseok mutters and leans against his chair, expecting an answer from Jin.

"I'm sorry, guys. I had a really bad time last night. My mom wants to marry a piece of scum, and I don't know what to do to stop her." Jin groans out loud and pulls his hair with one hand.

"Does she love the guy?" Ken inquires Jin in a serious tone all of a sudden.

"Yeah, she fucking claims that." Jin lets out with a tired voice.

"Then, let her be. What's wrong with her marriage? You'll leave the house one of these days, anyway." Ken utters like it's nothing important, and that offends Jin to extreme.

"You infidel! I don't like the guy, Ken." He points his dangerously sharp fork at the boy's face.

"Ok, cool down. I'm just gonna shut my fucking mouth from now on. Just chill, pal!" Ken pretends to zip his mouth with his fingers.

"Anyway, will you come, Jin-ah?" Hoseok finally speaks something after a while, bored with his two idiot of friends.

"Who's holding it?" Jin asks the other, looking straight into his eyes.

"One of the girls in our school, the one with the loaded oldman. What was her face?... Ah, does it matter?! It's for everyone. So, we've decided to give it a chance."

"I don't know. Is it a good idea?" Jin asks, doubt painting his every shown feature.

"Yeah. Why not, man?! It takes your mind off of your mom's boyfriend, too." Ken exclaims in exitement.

"You were supposed to shut up!" Hoseok lets out and sends a glare towards poor Ken's direction. The said boy looks away pouting.

"I hate to admit that, but I agree with Ken." Hoseok states after a heavy sigh.

"To be truthful here, I also like to be in one of those parties for once in my life. I'll come with you, guys." Jin utters with a small smile on his plump lips.

"Ok, we pick you up at 9pm sharp. Jisoo and Lisa are coming too. I mean obviously!" Hoseok tells with a roll of his eyes and takes a sip from Jin's precious cola.

"Sorry, can't help it! I love cola."

"Guys, what was the movie you talked about yesterday?" Totally out of blue, Jin asks. His voice is awfully low that the other two can't distinguish at first.

"What did you ask?" Ken leans his head towards his direction.

"I said-what was the movie you mentioned yesterday?" Jin repeats his question shyly.

"Dost mine ears deceive me?!" Hoseok gasps for air evidently before asking in disbelief.

"I told you he's not in his right mind today!" Ken hits Hoseok's arm as he nags at him.

"Why do you wanna know that, Jin?" Hoseok asks, rubbing his abused shoulder. The impact of the hit was stronger than what it looked like.

"I was bored. I thought watching a m-movie would be a good idea." Jin stutters an answer which is nothing but a fat lie. He needs the movie to gather information about werewolves and vampires, at least if they are any close to what he saw with his eyes or mind! Dream or not, it was too real to be forgotten.

"It was Twilight. Gosh! I still can't believe this. Jinnie has joined the club. He's fucking joined the club!" Hoseok sways his hands in the air with Ken accompanying him, filling the air with their loud noises like some sort of freaks.

"OH, KNOCK IT OFF, YOU TWO!" Jin yells at top of his lungs, getting nothing but unwanted attention from everyone like yesterday.


The party is going to be interesting. Wait for it :)

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