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Author's pov:

A week passed, and there was no voice from Taehyung. It seems as though the guy really had some sort of mercy towards Jin, however just like Jungkook reminds him every time, vampires are not people one could actually trust or predict their future steps.

Jungkook has been with him almost everyday. He didn't get so close to Jin as promised. The Alpha just had an eye on him from afar.

One thing hasn't changed during these passed days; Jungkook is still grumpy and hates his guts as heck. Jin has tried so hard to put a smile and get a sweet talk out of the cold-hearted Alpha, but it has been all in vain.

Currently, he's in school cafeteria, having his lunch alone and reviewing every happening of that supernatural world for god knows how many times. Funny the only place where he's somehow free from the Alpha's piercing eyes is inside the school building, and yet his mind is still crowded with the Alpha's thoughts.

The young boy was starving for he didn't have a proper breakfast in home. That was why he didn't wait for his friends like usual. He just dashed out of the classroom to help his poor hungry stomach.

While he's so engrossed in pigging out the unusually tasty food and his inner world, someone sits across from him. He doesn't mind the action at first because he assumes the person must be one of his friends.

"Hey, Jin."

However, he's obviously dead wrong. Kai's sound makes him lift his head from the food so harshly that if someone saw him in that moment, they would assume he had his neck snapped.

"Oh! Hi, Kai." His voice is terribly low and choked out that it makes the said boy shocked to extreme. He's seen that reaction from himself for the very first time ever; he isn't actually excited to meet the captain.

"I couldn't reach to you these days in school because I was busy with the matches. Why have you been ignoring my calls and texts, though? What's wrong, Jin? Did I do something you didn't approve?" Kai's tone sends a shiver down his spine.

He actually wanted to answer his calls and texts, but he couldn't. He couldn't clearly because he knew Kai wanted sex, and they just couldn't have it while the eyes of a sharp werewolf were on him day and night.

"No, you didn't. I'm sorry, Kai. I've been just so busy these days. I'll contact with you immediately after I find some free time. I need to go." Jin gets up, leaving his almost finished food, and to his good luck Hoseok appears next to their table out of blue like a gift from the Lord.

"You see, Hoseok and I have to go find some books in the library. See you later."

"But I'm hungry as shit, Jin." Hoseok groans, eyeing even the touched food on the table with nothing but greed and want.

"You promised me, Hoseok. You can come back here after that." Jin motions his eyebrows for Hoseok to make the other realize he needs to run from there as soon as possible.

Hoseok watches his best friend like a dork for a moment, but then the imaginary lamp up his head lights up as he finally gets Jin's deal!

"Uh, you were right, Jin! I'm so sorry. I totally forgot about that. Let's go. Nice to see you, Kai. Bye for now!" Hoseok circles his arm around Jin's neck, and they get out of there to the school yard with speed.

"Now, tell me why did I have to save your ass?! Did that scum hurt you or what?" Hoseok asks the other on the way to the library with a throaty tone.

"No, it's just that I've been ignoring his calls and texts. My mind is disheveled with so many things lately." Jin utters, and a following sigh proves all of his tiredness.

"Can I ask what's been eating you? I can really see that you aren't yourself, too. I mean you don't talk about your sex-life with Kai! So, I'm sure something is wrong here." Jin lets out a small chuckle by Hoseok's comment.

"I really wanna tell you, but..."

"You know you're my best friend, and you can trust me, Jin-ah. I will never breathe your secrets to anyone... Well, except the sex-life again hehe!" Hoseok tries to be a good friend the way he knows, by both being a supporter and also a mood-maker.

"I'm definite about you, Hoseok. The thing is if I tell you the story, it'll make me selfish... I mean you're gonna be involved in it, and I just never ever want that."

"What do you mean by all of these things you say, Jin?!" Hoseok looks at the other with popped out eye sockets. The way his best friend talks about some unkown thing makes him scared and concerned as if he was involved in some nasty crime.

"Please, don't ask me any other question. Let's just leave it all in here."

Hoseok stops asking as he can see how Jin is persistent to keep his misery inside for any reason he has.

They enter the school library together with Hoseok staring into space, thinking of any possible bad scenarios that could happen for his best friend but never the real issue.

"Now, do you really need books, Jin, or we've just ended up here because of running away from Kai?"

"Actually, I want some books and I need your help to suggest me some good ones. But before we go on, I want you to promise me something!"

"Why are you making it like it's a big deal?! Seriously, why are you even like this, Jin?!" Everything that comes out of the boy's mouth is now for sure driving Hoseok crazy.

"Please, Hoseok. It's a big deal." Jin's puppy eyes again leave their magic on the other like always.

"Ok, I promise." Hoseok mutters in a bored tone, giving up the matter already.

"I want you to help me find some books, novels, short stories, historical, and just any type of book about werewolves and vampires. And also I want it to be buried in here between us! Not allowed to tell it to the others."

Hearing everything that comes out of his friend's mouth, Hoseok is now officially worried about Jin's state. He keeps on gaping at him for quite a long time.

"Are you ok, friend?! Did someone hit your head with a metal bat?! Maybe your mother's fiancé did that! Just tell me, Jin!" Being the dramatic brat he is, Hoseok begins making a scene in the library by dramatizing the whole story and clutching for his friend's hoodie.

"I'm fine. You are the one in desperate need of some help. Now lead me, pal." Jin pulls the other's hands from his hoodie, and with so much difficulty Hoseok leads him to the wanted section at last.

They stop in front of a shelf, and Jin starts picking books. He has no idea about any of the books before him. So, he just chooses whatever that has a cover, or the name werewolf or vampire on it, getting some helps from his friend every now and then.

"Is Twilight's book more interesting than its movie? I don't know why they have this book in school, anyway. Hahaha!" He asks Hoseok without turning his face towards him.

"Jin, remember once I told you I'm not gay?!" His friend surprises him with the weird, sudden question.

"What the hell are you babbling about now?!"

"Just... Do you remember?!" Hoseok somehow yells at him, and that frightens Jin because they're in a god-damned library.

"Yes, I do." He whisper-shouts at the other in a furious voice.

"Well, I am now!"

"What the hell is wrong with..." Jin turns around to see what has gotten into his best friend, but his words stop coming out in an instant when he catches an intense stare straight focused on his soul.



Now guys, that's the schedule for my updates: Two updates for "Alpha" and one for "He isn't the nerd". So, that means the next update is gonna be for this story again. 😉

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