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Author's pov:

"Put me down, Jungkook. I have feet myself!" Jin groans for the one hundredth time as the Alpha has him over his strong shoulder, dragging him into the forest out of nowhere early in the morning.

"You need all of your energy for this. So, stop talking. It even takes more energy than walking!" Jungkook spanks the Omega's butt and Jin yelps in surprise.

"Energy for what, you dumbass?! You know we just left Miyoung like that. She can get antsy in the mornings." Jin doesn't let the other's words put his list of complaining down which can build an empire at the moment. He continues his whinnig with no intention of stopping.

"Don't worry about Miyoung. I told someone to look after her until we'll be back." Jungkook rolls his eyes and takes larger steps in order to reach to their destination sooner.

"Oh god! Who? I need to be sure you didn't just tell anyone random to take care of OUR BABY!"  Jin squeals when he suddenly lands on his feet as the Alpha puts him down without any warning.

Then, the bastard steps backwards, making distance from him. This is when Jin finally takes some time to look around, and it's short! For standing right next to the oak tree is enough for him to recognize the place.

"You carried me here all along to leave me like that? Now I need my energy for what? Do I really need all of it?" Jin snorts and crosses his arms over his chest, tapping his foot on the ground and waiting for an immediate response.

"The answer to the first question no, the third yes! You even need to find the hidden sources, too, because you're gonna shift for the first time, Seokjin." Jungkook absolutely feels delighted with the slacked jaw and popped out eyes he gets from the other.

"B-but, is it safe t-to do it outside in here?" Jin stutters a bit, but at last, shakes his head out of the shock .

"It's more dangerous in the cabins. And that's exactly the purpose of me being here with you, Jin. I'll stop you when you get out of control." Jungkook smirks proudly, and now he's the one with locked arms over his firm chest.

"You brat Alphas! Always strong and confident." Jin can't stop the words not to roll off his tongue bitterly.

During all these months that he's been with the werewolves, he witnessed countless times how some Alphas brag about their strength while he thought the place is perfect and all. However, when some even crossed the red line, it made him think how weaker people have to always live in fear and endure pain at some points in their life.

"That's not the real power. Remember, the real power is right in here, love." And then Jungkook points his index finger to his head.

"Should I strip myself or something?" Jin asks with a big grin and stands straight, showcasing his readiness for the job in hand. The words his mate uttered for certain gave him enough passion to fly to another universe, let alone shifting into a wolf.

"No, we have clothes for later." Jungkook answers him with a determined tone, and Jin is immediately reminded of his own clothes under the ground near the oak tree.

"Ok, I remember when you began to shift you closed your eyes and stretched your arms forward like this. This is all I need to do and I need to think of... I don't know, a wolf?!"

Jin pushes his head forward towards the older's direction, looking at him with puppy eyes. Yet, for the first time after a really long while, he sees the Alpha he met for the first time in exactly the spot he's standing on right now, cold and tough headed.

"It's not that easy, Omega! You need to be an animal, not only with body but mentally as well." Jungkook's husky voice makes him lose his concentration on the matter for a moment.

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