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Author's pov:

"What the hell is he doing here?!"

Everyone in the wolf pack raises their heads to look at the direction Jimin is referring to with that rage in his voice.

"Nothing but trouble for sure!" Jennie who's next to Jimin whispers into his ear in disapproval.

"It's actually pretty lame to hide your words from a vampire by whispering. You know I have super hearing powers."

Jennie gulps and hides herself behind Jimin. The vampire stands in front of the male Omega and directs a cocky smirk at the shorter person.

"What do you want here, Taehyung?" Jimin gathers all his courage and looks up straight at the piercing eyes upon him.

"I need to see your mate. It's not necessary to worry your pretty self about any of it, dear Jimin!" Taehyung tries to touch the other's cheek, but Jimin jerks away wildly with a deep scowl.

"Get your bloody hand away from my mate. I'm here to talk." The voice of a furious Alpha permeates into the air. Yoongi comes out of one of the tents while Jungkook is following behind.

"I don't want your fucking mate. I want my human!" Taehyung sends a death glare towards the leader's direction.

"What human?!" Yoongi stops in front of the extremely pissed off vampire and asks, completely flummoxed with the unexpected topic.

"My men told me they smelled one days ago, but they couldn't find the human. You must've done something. Vampires can smell humans from acres away." Taehyung roars out loud. His voice sends shiver down all the Betas and Omegas around. Even some of the Alphas show signs of fear.

"Taehyung, calm down. We haven't seen any human being around." The leader of the pack utters in a firm tone. He doesn't even blink when Taehyung gets dangerously close to his face with an expression that could kill alone.

"Yoongi, I'm not here for you to give me these shits. Werewolves had something in this. You are all against this, but based on our contract, every human being who's crazy enough to enter here belongs to vampires. In other sweet words, they belong to me." Taehyung points his thumb at himself while stressing on the last sentence with all might. He turns his head around to see Jimin watching the scene in pure fear. A nasty smirk carves its way on his entire features.

"You don't want your little mate to get hurt for this, especially now that he's pregnant with your heir, hmm?" Taehyung whispers viciously without taking his eyes away from the Omega.

"It's very bold of you, Taehyung, to come here alone and throw empty threats at me and my family among all of my loyal wolves." With no hint of doubt, Yoongi is more experienced than that to tremble with shallow barks. Bravely, he closes the gap between them even more.

"Who said I'm alone, Alpha?! I've only respected your fucking lands by coming here alone, Yoongi. There are hundreds of vampires waiting out there for their leader to come back." Taehyung shows his fangs instinctively to the Alpha, a warning for him to not plan crazy before thinking.

"You're wasting your time here, Taehyung. We don't know anything about the human. They probably found a way to get out of here." Yoongi restates the same words in another way. His claws are piercing into his palms as he tries hard to control himself.

"It's impossible for them to find a way. And if they did, it's because someone helped them in the process." Taehyung is persistant to find his property. He breathes a handful of air and conceals his fangs.

"You already have enough of humans in your fucking castle!" Another Alpha's voice interjects between the two all of a sudden.

"It's none of your business, Jungkook. In fact, the one that itches my suspicion here is you. Jackson told me you were wandering in the forest with some kind of a non-looking new Alpha exactly that night. Now, if you don't mind I wanna see that Alpha with my own eyes." Taehyung lowers his tone gravely. He watches Yoongi's face to see his reaction, but as predicted there's nothing to read from there.

"We don't want you to see him!" Jungkook speaks instead of his leader and looks up at the demanding vampire.

"You know what your pack has to pay for if you don't let me see him becuase of your selfish ass, Jungkook."

Following after the words, the Alpha and the vampire both begin staring deeply into each other's orbs, a sign to show they are ready to tear one another's flesh apart which is not a good thing for Jungkook, for he's not immortal like Taehyung.

"He's not in reach right now for he joined the hunting group, but we'll show him to you tomorrow. Be here alone at this time of the day like today!" Yoongi comes in between the two angry men.

"And how do you guarantee that I will be safe?!" Taehyung looks down at the shorter leader condescendingly.

"Just like you said it before, we're not that stupid to do something to a vampire, a leader in this case with so many men on his side, right Taehyung?!" Yoongi speaks out with confidence for everyone to hear.

"It's still funny how you worry about your worthless life when we all know you're fucking immortal!" Jungkook derides the vampire in a mocking tone. All the present werewolves start laughing, gaining some courage through the young Alpha's witty remark.

"You can't kill me, but that doesn't prevent you to desperately hold onto stupid ideas to hurt me, dear Jungkook." Taehyung looks around, glaring at the werewolves. He then raises his eyebrows at the annoyed Alpha with an actually empty face.

The vampire gives one last look to Yoongi, shaking his head for him as a sign of goodbye and leaves the place. Nobody dares to move a muscle until he's far, far away from their lands.

"What have you done, Jungkook?" Yoongi grabs the other's collar in a tight hold and spits at him, being assured the vampire can't hear his words. Jungkook pushes at his hands and tries to escape the matter by storming to his cabin.

"I know you have done a fucking thing, Jungkook. Tell me right now." Yoongi chases after him to his small place instantly.

"I didn't do anything!" Jungkook turns around harshly to almost shout the words at the other's face.

"Don't lie to me, young Alpha. This isn't only about you. It's now about the whole pack. You know how Taehyung is sensitive about his human slaves, and what shits he's capable of. Be rational. Let's deal with this together."

Jungkook lets out a deep sigh as he's defeated by the reasonable words of the leader.

"I found the boy in the forest lying under the oak tree, Yoongi. He was panicked. Without wanting it, I got a powerful urge to help him and I did. I used my own scent to cover him.

I was taking him to the wall, but to my bad luck we ran into Jackson and Mark. I told them he was a newly presented Alpha in our pack. They fell for it, or maybe pretended to fall and left us, but apparently Taehyung didn't do any of that." Jungkook explains all the needed information to the other.

"You need to find and bring him here for tomorrow, Jungkook." Yoongi utters hastily after the younger is finished with his explanation.

"And deliver him to Taehyung?! I can't do that, Yoongi. Besides, how am I supposed to find him in a big city like Busan?" Jungkook clutches the nearest wall as he questions the leader, a severe pain homing itself in his chest.

"You'll find him if you start from now on. You have to find him, Jungkook. And I promise you we won't let Taehyung take him." Yoongi pats the young Alpha's back soothingly to give him perhaps some hidden false hope.

"I just hate how Taehyung uses a living being like this. I'm sorry to put you all in trouble, but I wanted to at least save one person from him." Jungkook lowers his head and shuts his eyes tightly as he lets out in a muffled tone.

"It's going to be alright, Jungkook."


This chapter is gonna be more cleared in the future. Don't worry. There are so many things left yet.

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