chapter 12

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(Lisa p.o.v)

I run as fast as I can! I can't cry in front of her it hurt so much, I know these will happen I'm so stupid to pushed myself to the point where I couldn't face her anymore

I love her so much! what do I do with the pain? God! even after humiliating myself for the thousands times, the love I Had for her never fade away, instead it increase in every ounce of my body

I kneel on the ground, when my legs lost all the strength to carry me further, I buried my face and cried my hearts out, I don't know why I love her too much and in the process I lost myself and scattered into pieces

"Done with breaking yourself for... Should I count?" Seulgi pop out of nowhere and said nonchalantly I abruptly rose and hugged her tight

"I didn't stop you because you told me that this will be your last chance right? And now you've to listen to me"
She added and I just nod still hugging her

"It's done Lisa she won't change, and you already know it right? Don't tell me you didn't saw the sign, you need to put full stop here" She deadpan while tapping my back

After I calm myself we walking towards the parking lot, and drove away from school

"I want to take rest brings me home"

"I'll stay with you for a while" She mumbled and all did was to just nod my head

we were on the driveway of my house, just then an ambulance drove out of our front yard, causing my heart to skip a beat and my dad face Flash inside my mind with awful scenario

No! No! No this can't be I instantly shook off the thoughts

As soon as Seulgi parked the car, we got off and run towards the door, it was open ajar and I heard my mom crying her hearts out

And There my world stop and my body slump on the floor

(Seulgi p.o.v)

As soon as we reach the door we heard mom heartfelt sob causing my heart to beat faster, and I know something is already happening inside

Oh! No dad...! tears start to rolled down my eyes while Lisa shuddered and plopped down on the floor

"Lisa...! L-Lisa...!" I shake her body but she didn't show any emotion and stared blankly

Just then mom rushed out of the house, she then Crouched down and embrace Lisa while sobbing hard

"Lisa...! Come inside and wake him up please...! Please... Lisa wake him up I'll never get tired of taking care of him please" mom begged, she then adverted her eyes at me while smiling

She grip on my wrist and dragged me inside

When I saw the lifeless body of dad, My breathe hitch, I was trembling not because I'm afraid of him rather scared that dad won't smile at me when I call him

"Seulgi he always smiles when he hears you right? he laughs when you joke right? Please make him smile please...! H-he is not responding to me was he mad at me? Do you think he's mad at me?" Mom slide down and cried holding my legs

God, why are you doing this to Lisa's family I can't bear it! The pain is too much for me to handle

I run inside the bathroom and cried, my heart is aching so much that I can barely breathe After a while I heard Lisa screaming

"Dad wake up you told me that you can start working right? why are you sleeping too deep, wake up dad! WAKE UP DAD I hate you I hate you for not even waiting for me, why? Why? God, why?" Lisa is screaming like crazy, so run out and the sight break my heart into million pieces

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