chapter 24

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                       (Jennie p.o.v)

Its been a week and finally Lisa is getting better and going start working at the hospital I'm here with her at her apartment, I came early and went back home after dinner, I take care for her and its feel like we're actually a newlywed couple

But nothing happened between us you know keke Lisa never look at me that way she respects me a lot, yeah we kiss and that's that

"You done?" Lisa asked me I was preparing breakfast for her it is her first working day after the accident

"Yeah" I shortly replied and smile at her, I prepared Bacon, egg, cheese sandwich and fresh fruit with strawberry smoothie for her

"Okay let's eat I'm getting late" She said heading toward the dining table fixing her tie it seems she's struggling because of her right arms, I smile at the sight and shook my head 

"Here, Let me help you" I mumbled and started making knot she smile and wrapped her hand around my waist she always do this and it's not new anymore

"I love being with you like these" Lisa purred, as she snuggled up close to me and kiss my forehead I smile as I finish tying her necktie so pulled off and headed toward the kitchen

"I never thought you'll be like this" I chortle while Lisa take her seat

"Like crazy in love with you?" She asked me I shook my head and served her breakfast

"No! At first you were like scared to even look at me you know" I muttered and sit next to her she just smile

"Yeah actually I was but now i'm not coward like before" She chortle and start eating, I just giggle and eat mine

"It's so tasty! Thank you for this" She praised as she raised the glass of her smoothie
"Umm Jen how about your work?" She asked me while munching the bacon

"I've photoshoot at 1 at irene mall for some new dress" I told her, she just bob her head and continue eating

"Okay, that good! Umm Jen can we have a dinner date later?" Lisa asked me and I was surprised coz this will be our first date I just nodded without wasting a second, she smile and Added

"Alright then! I'm full already" she informed and glanced at me  "I'll drop you home" Lisa offers me I was glad but I bring my car 

"That's so sweet of you but I bring my car!" I informed and take the plate to the sink
"you're running late you go first I'll do the dishes" I smile at her but she pouted and walk up to me, then wrapping her hand around my waist she spoke
"You're being so Touche I didn't know that" I tease her while smiling I thought Lisa will be shy and all but its the total opposite her personality change a lot I'm not complaining about it tho, I love this Lisa

"If you don't like it then I won't do it again" She huffed and folded her arms acting like a mad baby, but she seems seriously upset so I cup her face to soothed her

"No! I was just saying" I mumbled worriedly coz I feel like I hurt her

"So you like it then" She whisper and beamed while wrapping her hand on my waist again

"Aish! Stop playing you're late already" I spluttered and bit my lip to restrain myself from smiling, I was blushing so hard but she just chuckled and kiss my forehead, I love this small gesture of showing her love and care

"Okay I'll call you when I've free time I love you" Lisa engulfed me in a tight hug and placed a lingering kiss on the top of my head

"I love you" I replied and pulled off the hug she caressed my face and smile

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