chapter 13

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                       (Jennie p.o.v)

It's been few months here in Melbourne, I enjoyed here until I was left alone at my apartment and that's when my mind wanders back to Seoul and of course, her. I keep in touch with my family never miss a call from mom and yeah, I chatted a lot with irene and jisoo unnie

Jisoo unnie is so smart now I can't still believe whenever she talks like a mature older sister which caused me to burst in fit of laughter, she is now learning some business studies like HRM, FA, MM, I don't know anything about it tho I'm not interested in business anyway
(I'm a commerce student so😁)

Irene unnie told me that she had open a store like she always wanted, also told me that seulgi take over their company as a young CEO I'm happy for their endeavor, what makes me joyous is when Irene unnie told me that Lisa is already in medical college persuading her dream! At first, I was worried about her finance but I heard from her that seulgi is helping Lisa, such a great friend right?

And here I am!.. don't know what I'm doing, just going to college then modeling class I don't set my goal to become a model it's just my passion, I'll choose different profession for my life but for now I will do whatever I love to do

Cheayoung is like my personal driver don't get me wrong she insisted it herself, and for the record she's changing her attitude and I'm not complaining although I've a hunch that she grew feeling for me, she's perfect in every angle however my heart already belong to someone

"You know? you're spacing out for like 10 minutes already" Cheayoung snorted, I frowned and tilt my head to glanced at her, 

"Is that so? I didn't realize sorry" I apologize while chuckling, she shook her head and joined me, she's so cute whenever she smiling

"Who dares to intrude your mind? Is it Me?" I cringe inwardly at her confidence, however I shake my head and titter

"You wish Ms.park" I smirked and responds to her instantly as I stood up while she did the same and turn her back on me while facing the sun

If you are wondering we're here at the beach she's touring me! the scenery is breathtaking I love this place, the sounds of the ocean waves help me calmed my aching soul, feeling the moment I close my eyes and let the cold wind hit my body.

"Jennie I want to tell you something"  She intervene my moment and said in serious manner

"What is it I'm your FRIEND you can tell me anything! Stop being so serious like the grumpy cheayoung" I  chuckled to lessen the tension, knowing something is up with her and I intentionally emphasizes the word friend so she could reconsider before telling me something that will bring awkwardness between us

I heard her sighed heavily

"Jennie! I like you" I wasn't surprised, though it was the most least phrases I wanted to hear from her,

I sigh deeply as I tap on her shoulder to get her attention coz she is still facing her back, then I told her honestly

"Cheang! I like you too, but not like what you wanted, sorry" She flip to face me with painful expression

"Why Jennie? am I not good for you?" She countered but I shake my head and smile at her

"You're more than goo but cheang I already have someone in my heart" She turn away facing her back to me again

"Who is he? is he from Australia?" Her voice was hoarse like a combination of hurt and jealousy, I know she's hurt, I hurt everyone who loves me 

"No! she is from Korea actually she's from Thailand but when they moved for good in Korea they change their nationality, she loves me and care for me so much even after I hurt her numerous time, she didn't stop loving me and I lately realize that" I sadly explain, at least she deserves to know why I couldn't reciprocate her feelings

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