chapter 53

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Everyone was facing at the main door while Jennie is still crying as she cradle her baby on her chest

Lisa never imagined that the dinner will end up in an unpleasant atmosphere...

"Ahhahahhahaha so it's already over" Wendy hold her belly and burst out laughing peering at Jennie and lisa Mr.son went toward wendy and did a fist bum and chuckled as well

The couple stood dumbfounded while  flicking their eyes to wendy and Mr.son

"You were right wen" Mr.son hugged wendy lightly and tap on her back

"What's really going on dad?" Lisa asked sounding a little irritated as she walk up to her wife and wrapped her hands  securely on the brunette shoulder

"IT WAS A PRANK WE GOT YOU" the father and the daughter yelled at the same time

"I apologize Jennie it was a prank i just wanted to see that you love Mingus as much as wendy told me" He sincerely apologize lisa was taken back but manage to smile yet it really hurt her feelings she already hurt Jennie so much and even as a prank or joke she never wanted to hurt her further

"So it's just a prank you won't do anything?" Jennie cautiously asked, Mr.son move towards her and hugged her lightly

"Rest assured Jennie! i really am sorry to hurt your feelings you're my daughter from now on and it would be an honor for me if you called me dad" Mr.son smile with anticipation, Jennie bob her head and kiss her son before she replied a small "okay" just a moment ahead she thought that it was all over

"I'm sorry lisa" Mr.son apologize to lisa as well they hugged each other and sob a little

"Oh come on be a man stop being so emotional freak and look at me, a woman just splashed me with a bucket of water i was own my way to prank you both but karma is a bitch" Wendy chimps in to lighten the atmosphere they all laughs and feeling that everything was okay Jennie sighed in relief

"Please do visit often" Mr.son said to the couple who is about to bid their goodbyes

"I'll dad" Lisa hugged him, Mr.son glance at Jennie and smile, he kiss Mingus who's already sleeping and resting on her mother shoulder peacefully

"Take care Jennie"

"I'll Mr.___ I...! I mean dad" Wendy and Mr.son giggle while Jennie shyly smile at them and bid there goodbye

Jennie can't explain how delighted she is feeling right now, she never leave Mingus and didn't even let Lisa carry him she became paranoid about someone taking her child away

"For a minute i thought it was all over" Jennie mumbled watching her son who's sleeping peacefully, lisa smile and nod in agreement

"Everything will be alright" Lisa turn the steering wheel and take a glimpse of Jennie and focus back to road seeing her love besides her smiling make her world complete

"So we'll visit mom tomorrow for lunch would that be okay for you it's been long we didn't visit her" Lisa beamed, while Jennie nodded and replied

"Alright and dinner at jisoo unnie remember mom call me earlier?" Lisa nodded and step on the break as they arrived at their condo, Jennie Carry Mingus and headed toward the elevator

She is already tired and so is Lisa its been a long day for her and she thank god because she had a day off tomorrow

They enter their condo and Jennie let Mingus rest on their bed to change their clothes while Unbuttoning her shirt Lisa speak up

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