Chapter 4

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Running, Konan dodged a boiling water stream and cursed inwardly.

'I thought Ame was impenetrable! How the hell did they come in here?'

Suddenly, she heard a voice muttering behind her: "Coral Palm." and felt a heavy impact on her back.

With a 'poof' the paper clone dispersed. Meanwhile, Konan pressed herself trembling behind a stone wall. She desperately tried to calm her breathing and suppress her wild chakra.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," taunted the mad voice.

The purple-haired kunoichi pressed herself even more against the wall and looked carefully at her right. Just when she wanted to glance at her left, a masked face popped up in front of her, whispering tauntingly: "Found you."

"Dance of the Shikigami," shouted Konan quickly and dispersed into thousands of papers.

Giggling, the masked person jumped back.

"As if this could stop me! Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire. "

Everything was engulfed by flames, the searing heat burning painfully against Konan's skin and when she reappeared a few meters away from the person, she grimaced looking at the burn marks on her body.

Quickly, she hauled a handful of shuriken at the person before she formed a pair of paper wings, lifting her into the air.

'I can't sense them!' Konan thought frantic. 'How's that even possible?'

Suddenly, something grabbed her ankle, and she was flung through the air. Before she had the chance to free herself, she was forcefully thrown against the ground.


Her entire body was throbbing, and she could literally feel two of her rips break beneath the force if the impact. Not even seconds later four kunai were thrown at her, perfectly aimed to pin her hands and feet to the ground.

Konan prided herself in being a strong kunoichi - stronger than most - but when the sharp metal pierced her flesh, she let out a suppressed scream.

"Oh, what a delightful sound! And what for a beautiful expression!" whispered the person as they kneed next to her. "I'll let you in on a secret. Your friend, the red-haired Uzumaki..."

'Nagato? How does he know about him?' she thought through the pain.



Suddenly the person was pushed away from her and a ginger-haired shinobi crouched down beside her.

"I'm here now!" he muttered shaken. "I'm here."

Hastily he pulled the kunai out, flinching at the pained sounds of his friend.

"Damn boy!" growled the person as they got up again, a strand of shoulder long brunette hair falling out of their hood.

"Konan," Yahiko whispered afraid and pushed the weakened girl protectively behind himself.

"Water release: Water dragon bullet!"

The water dragon flung the two Ame shinobi brutally through the air.

"Yahiko!" screamed Konan panic-stricken.

Yahiko quickly wrapped himself protectively around her, effectively taking the brunt force of the impact. Groaning, he crawled to his feet again whilst keeping the kunoichi in his arms.

"Konan?" he whispered hoarsely and checked her over for any injuries.

"So cute. You're worried about the girl but don't fret, soon you'll be together forever!" taunted the person and walked predator like to the pair.

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