Chapter 9

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Sighing, Kakashi let himself fall on to Orochimarus' couch whilst the Snake Sannin gave the time traveller a pitying look. 

"How was your trip?", he finally asked after he handed the silver haired shinobi a glass of water. 

Kakashi took it gratefully. Ever since they had left Suna a splitting headache had pestered him, though he didn't let it show.

"Thanks Orochimaru.", he muttered and sipped on his water deep in thought. 

'...It was nice...'


"So and then, Sakura suddenly appeared and destroyed the entire play ground! You should have seen Iruka-sensei's face, it was priceless!", Naruto told Kakashi stories of their time in the academy, a big smile plastered on his face.

Next to them was Sasuke, stealing glances of the time traveller whilst smirking in content. 

Somehow he felt like his family was finally complete.

"It's not my fault that those boys decided to bully Sasuke!", added Sakura embarrassed and linked her arm with the blonde's.

Glaring at his female teammate playfully, Sasuke argued: "I wasn't bullied."

Laughing out loud, she told him: "What ever you say."

Kakashi watched them, feeling content and happy to see that this Team 7 was much closer than they had been in his time. It was exactly what he had wished for and he was glad that they looked out for each other.

"Say sensei, I was always wondering, the textbooks said you defeated Hanzo the Salamander when you were thirteen, is that true?", asked Naruto curiously.

Deep in thoughts, the pinknette wondered:"I've heard his salamander poison was one of a kind. Apparently it could rival Sasori-senpai's master piece."

"Did you really defeat him with one single attack?", asked Sasuke and stole another glance at his older brother.

Giving them a smile, he replied vaguely: "If your textbook says it, it must be true."

The rest of the small group watched smiling as Team 7 tried to pry more information out of the Hatake. It was seldom to see them so interested in something other than training and Minato had tears in his eyes to see his son and his friends laugh so freely. 

Soon they had reached Konoha and for once Izumo and Kotetsu were not asleep. The news of Kakashi Hatake's reanimation had taken Konoha by a storm, especially the Hatake's generation.

~Flashback End~ 

"I'm happy that Team 7 has grown so strong.", answered Kakashi him honestly. "But Orochimaru, we have to talk."

The small smile that had grazed the time  travellers face suddenly disappeared and the Sannin knew it was time. 

"Before you start,", the Sannin held up one hand. "let me just tell you that I'm truly and deeply sorry to have brought you back into this world. I'm sorry to break your rest and rip you from your loved ones once more but I didn't see any other way."

For a short moment, Kakashi only stared into his friends' snake like eyes, searching for something. Though, when he found it, he nodded sharply and leaned back. 

"It's fine.", he told the Sannin in his usual aloof tone. "Anyway, now tell me everything. I know you must know more than you've let on in the meeting with the Kages. You knew what threat Zetsu and Madara could pose."

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