Chapter 10

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~Time skip 2,5 months~

"Your left side is wide open, Sasuke.", informed Kakashi his raven haired student and as to prove his point punched the side merciless. 

Biting his lip to keep the painful groans inside, the Jounin flipped in the air, landing elegantly on the other side of the clearing. Gathering himself, Sasuke prepared to lunge at Kakashi again. However, before he could, he was pinned to the floor by a couple of ninkens and Kakashi crouched down next to him with a victorious smirk.

"Be aware of your surroundings.", he told him teasingly before helping his little brother up.

"I'll remember.", muttered Sasuke embarrassed.

How could he make such a basic mistake? And in front of his brother none the less!

"Sensei wiped the floor with you, teme!", hollered Naruto cheerfully from the side where Anko, Sakura and he had made themselves comfortable. 

"Shut up, baka! It's your turn now, let's see how you hold up against Kakashi-nii.", replied Sasuke slightly quieter than the blonde, but with no less ferocity. 

"Uh, it's my turn?", asked Naruto perplexed, rubbing his neck. 

"Come on, Naruto. Let's see if you learned anything from the last time.", said the time traveller and beckoned the blonde to come over. 

However, before the blonde could start his attack, a falcon carrying a scroll descended next to Kakashi. The time traveller warily took the small scroll, the red outlining already telling him that it was an immediate calling from the hokage. These scrolls never brought good news. 

Meanwhile, the others had joint him, Anko starring fearful at the scroll. Her hands clinging desperately to her love. 

"Sensei-", Sakura started hesitantly but Kakashi cut her off quickly.

"I have to go."

Leaning, over he gave his girlfriend a quick kiss on her lips before looking sternly at his students. 

"Go through some stretches to cool down and then go home. I'll come looking for you as soon as I'm finished. Anko, don't worry too much. It's all going to be fine."

Kakashi kissed her forehead swiftly, before disappearing. 

In front of the hokage office, he stopped to take a deep breath. Inside he could already feel a lot of chakra signatures so it must be something troublesome, especially when all Clan heads as well as the representatives of the other villages were present. 

Slipping inside quietly, he quickly surveyed the people around him.

"Ah, Kakashi, you're here."

Minato was the first to see his silver haired student and greeted him with an unusual serious expression. As he took a step to the side, Kakashi could see why everyone in the office was unusual serious. Leaning against Minato's desk, was no other than Yahiko, though the man was badly injured. Konan was next to him, fussing over her boyfriend, she hadn't seen for a few months now. It must have been a shock for her to see him battered and bruised, especially since she had planned to return to Ame tomorrow. 

Yahiko opened his eyes sluggishly to look at the silver haired shinobi. He had heard that the man had been reanimated to fight for them but hadn't had the chance to see him until now. Whether or not the Hatake knew, Yahiko felt incredible indebted to the man and it had saddened him to hear that the young boy, who had freed them from Hanzos' reign, had died.

"Kakashi...", he muttered with difficulty. 

The shinobi had refused to let Tsunade heal him, he needed to talk to the Hokage and Kakashi first.

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