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"It's Alive"

Once more, Halle Brewster woke up in the hospital

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Once more, Halle Brewster woke up in the hospital. Her ending up there was a recurrence Halle was beginning to regret, especially when the nurse had to stitch up her head again. This was the second time in the past few months her head needed stitches. She would have two scars now, each from a time she protected a friend.

Her parents weren't thrilled either. Worry and frustration were the key themes from them, and when one was worried, the other was frustrated and vice verse. Either way, Halle knew from the moment she woke, things were going to change. It took a lot of serious convincing on Halle's part to get her parents to agree to let her join her friends at a sleepover at Spencer's after. Halle just needed to be with her friends that night. She needed to know what happened when she was out cold. It involved too much pleading on Halle's part and putting on the tears to appeal again her parents' better judgment.

Halle didn't like lying to her family, but she did it anyway. She lied so well, even the doctors thought she was good enough to go home. Soon, her parents fell into letting her go to the Hastings' with the promise of if she felt off, then she was to come home straight away.

What else did she expect?

Morning came faster than any of the girls wanted. Hanna groaned loudly. She hated being up so earlier when going bed far too late. Her face swollen was with tiredness, showing signs of just coming around from sleep. Hanna complained, "My brain is numb from all those cop questions."

All of the them were huddled in an awkward circle on the carpet of Spencer Hastings' bedroom, each wrapped up in blankets and dressed in cosy pyjamas, surrounded by a fort of pillows. They stayed together after the bell tower; slept on the floor so they were close enough to one another to feel the warmth that came off their bodies. It was an odd comfort which no one openly admitted to having, but none argued against.

"Your head is numb? Han, I have stitches in mine, I think win," Halle retorted. She winced that morning when her eyes first met the sunlight coming through the curtains. Halle's head was throbbing.

Spencer pulled at her sleeves and said, "I don't think I'd be here if it wasn't for A."

"A killed Ian to keep you both here," said Aria; the words aimed at Halle and Spencer unnerved them.

Halle had been filled in on Ian Thomas's attack of Spencer in the bell tower the second they were all alone again that same night. She had been there when the girls told their parents. Instead, Spencer retold the story to Halle when the rest of her household slept. Halle couldn't help but think how lucky they both were — how lucky Spencer was to have A save her, when Halle couldn't.

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