Dear sister.

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In the town of Greendale. Where it always feels like Halloween. There lived a girl who was hidden from her family. She was was raised in the halls of a school where she was unloved by care givers. Her name is Charlotte Spellman.

Dear sister,
Your dark baptism is not far ahead. I know you must be very worried. Please. Don't not fret. You will do perfectly. How is everyone? I heard of Ambrose a few day ago. I have some books for him if you would like to pick them up I would love to have a talk.
Your loving sister,

Sabrina walked down the stairs with the letter in hand. And sat at the table.
"Whatever is that Sabrina?"
"It's a letter... from Charlotte." Zelda dropped her spoon and looked at the girl.
"We haven't seen the girl since last year. Whatever could she be writing for." Sabrina frowned looking at the ink.
"She said she had some books from Ambrose and asked if I wanted to discuss my dark baptism." The aunts looked at eachother and Zelda cleared her throat.
"Well if you would like... why don't you accept. Try and bring her back to the family Sabrina. After your father... called her those things before his death and left her with the academy it's been hard to keep her with us. Perhaps you can help with that." Sabrina gave a nod and grabbed her books.
"I'll make a trip now."

Sabrina sat at the usual spot in the woods and pulled out the knife. 3 times she cast a circle and lightly cut the tip of her finger with the knife. "Come to me." She said slowly and there was a gust of wind. Charlotte stood a few yards away her long black hair was a wavy mess. She was vastly different to her younger sister. She was taller and had sharper features her eyes were the brightest green you had ever seen and her red lips stood out against the pale colour of her skin. Her long black dress seemed messy and her zip was nearly undone. Charlotte smiled at the younger girl and began to walk over.
"Little sister. You have the worst timing you know that?" She sat down moving her hair out of the way.
"What were you doing? You hair is a mess." She laughed and Charlotte played with her necklace.
"Having some fun with a friend." Sabrina nodded and stayed silent. "What is it sister... something is bothering you..." Charlotte moved closer biting her lip placing a hand on her sisters leg.
"Yeah... something is. I keep having these nightmares about mom and dad and my dark baptism." Charlotte smiled once again and hugged her knees giving a small hum.
"Yeah I got those two. But sister I promise you it's only nerves. Now we will continue this conversation another time but I have a very confused boy waiting for me." She kissed Sabrinas cheek and began to walk away.
"Oh char." She hummed turning around. "The aunties want you to come for dinner tonight... they miss you." Lottie smiled a little
"I'll see what I can do." And with that she disappeared leaving an echo of a laugh as she faded.

"Where did you go." He lent against the bed frame his shirt draped over his shoulders.
"Sorry Nicky... my sister summoned me." She came closer allowing his hands to east on her hips.
"Hmm I'll have to speak to the little Spellman about taking my play thing away from me" she gave a laughed and kissed his jaw.
"You're pretty when you're mad Nicky..." he smirked at her tucking some hair behind her ear.
"You're always pretty

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