Prologue (Chapter 0 - Reawakening)

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A/N real quick: Wow the really annoying Author's Note that not many care about! Sorry sorry, I had to (Or more like wanted to, it wasn't really necessary). Anyways, I never really thought that I would make another fanfiction. But with "Saiki Kusuo Reawakened" and reading all of these different fanfictions on Wattpad, I got inspired. Wow, I even named the chapter after it! Honestly, I never thought I would be back but ughh it was too tempting, all these interesting stories and I wanted to write one too. Don't know how well it'll turn out to you guys tho. Feel kind of cringe doing this but if I look on the bright side, I guess it can help enhance my writing skills? I don't know, I just want to have a good reason doing this bc I don't feel comfortable doing it. Anyways you probably don't want my blabbering anymore so I'll just get into the story.

"Coffee jelly tastes good" - Someone talking

*Coffee jelly tastes good* - Someone's thoughts

*Coffee jelly tastes good* - Talking telepathically to each other

ok enjoy.

Saiki POV

*My name is Saiki Kusuo. I'm just an ordinary student at P.K academy starting my 3rd year. However, I used to be not as ordinary. I'm a former psychic, and I contain abilities such as apport, bi-location, astral projection, telepathy, clairvoyance, cyrokinesis, telekinesis, mind control, and many others. It doesn't matter now though, seeming as I don't really.. have them anymore. No, it's not 8th grade syndrome. Currently, I'm planning to apologize to my frien- uhh, I mean my classmates that have all been involved in this mess and reveal my psychic powers. Alright, I'm prepared after having this monologue that would be really convenient to someone who is listening to my thoughts and doesn't know anything that happening. Okay, let's g-* Saiki's really convenient monologue was rudely interrupted when a bug started crawling up next to him. "waHH!" yelled out Saiki when meeting eyes with this no-thought beast. A window crashed the moment he let his scream out. 





Glass shards went flying towards Saiki so he instinctively raised his hand up to stop the glass shards. *Oh wait there's no way this'll work, I lost my psychic powers..* Saiki quickly thought to himself and raised his arms in front of his face to block. However, nothing came and he glanced over wondering why nothing is coming to find glass shards floating in the air right next to him. *Oh.* 

He didn't really have any time to think about what just happened, when he noticed another problem arising. A perfect pretty girl staring directly at him and the floating shards. *Good grief.. What am I gonna do about this situation?*

Teruhashi POV

Few minutes before ~~ A perfect pretty girl is called over to her classroom by an extremely average guy. Yes, the perfect pretty girl known as Teruhashi Kokomi! *S-Saiki called me over!! He must be asking me out! I knew he would submit to me in time, I can't wait to finally hear his 'offu'! Ahh, I'm so excited!!* she thought to herself. She had to restrict herself from running into the classroom, a perfect pretty girl wouldn't act too desperate! This has caused her to have a dazed expression on her face. Every male within her range of sight had no choice but to gasp of how cute she was being, even if the art style was quite crude. Teruhashi was giggling to herself, after all, she had been waiting for this moment for so long. *Hehe, Saikiiiii, let out that 'offu' we've all been waiting for!* she thought to herself but as soon as she put her hand on the handle, she heard a scream followed by a loud crash. Her wide smile changed into a quite startled expression. She let out a squeal before she turned around to look at the source of the crash. There he was..Saiki Kusuo. Next to floating shards. Saiki had a scared expression at first, but then it slowly shifted to an annoyed expression when he locked eyes with her. "S-S-S-Saiki?? What's going on??"

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