Chapter 6 Mylene's Confusion: Who does She Love?

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             The next day, Friday, Mylene wonders why Jack came to the park the day before anyway. She remembers how she yelled at him and feels bad since he is her best friend. She knows he did not like it anymore

         than she did that Chole and Sabrina tricked her.  She can always count on Jack.

            After school, Jack sees Mylene at the lockers and thinks, I hope she is not upset with me anymore. He starts to walk towards her sees Ivan and hides behind a trash can.

            "Hi, Mylene! So, how are you?" Ivan asks her as if it no big they fought the last time they spoke to each other.

           "I am good thank you, how are you?" Mylene asks. She notices Ivan does not answer instead he kisses her on the lips and thinks, yes, score!

             Jack sees Ivan kiss Mylene, he is so hurt he runs into the boys bathroom so no one sees his tears. He thinks, great!  Now, I will never stand a chance with her. He sobs even more.

             "Ivan how could you do such a thing?" Mylene asks angrily as she pushes him away.  Then, she slaps him.

            "Awe, come on you know you like me!" Ivan teases her.

           "Ivan, I am sorry, but I do not like you.  Not like this.  I love someone else," She tells him.

           Ivan is angry now that Mylene rejects him.  "Oh, yeah!  Then, who is he?" He asks his voice full of jealousy.

            "It is none of your concern. I thought you were my best friend now I see you are just a rotten person," Mylene retorts.

             Ivan stomps off furious, goes into an empty classroom, and sits down.

              Mylene uses the combination for the lock on her locker, she unlocks it, gets out her homework, and another love letter. She smiles when she sees it, sighs, and places it into her backpack.

         She puts the lock pack in place, closes it, and heads back to the dorm.

               Meanwhile, he makes sure the coast is clear, he smiles, unlocks the lock, places a note inside, along with a red rose, he puts the lock back in place just the way he found it, and goes home. He sighs.

                Next, another guy does the same thing only he puts a jewelry box inside it with his note and closes the lock back as well before he heads home for the day.

                *Author's note: Plot twist, Mylene has not one, but two secret admirers!  How crazy is this?

                   On Saturday, Mylene gets a package delivered to her dorm, she opens and sighs when she sees a heart-shaped pillow inside it.

               The note that came with the pillow reads as follows: 

                            Dear Mylene, 

                            I sent you this pillow as a promise of a lifetime.

                          I have loved you from afar, to me you are as a star:

                         My love for you is so great!

                          I can not ask you out for date!

                          I wish you could love me in return.

                        For I long to be loved by you so much,
                        you do not know how many times I have come close to kissing you!

Mylene's  Secret Admirer by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now