Chapter 7 Girls Sleepover Fun!

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                               Mylene has Alya, Rose, and Juleka over to her dorm room for a sleepover. She forgets what Aurore's plans were that evening. 

                                "Hi, it is good to see you," Aurore says.

                               "Hi, glad you are for girls night," Mylene says. She knows she invited others over as well.

                             "Where is Marinette and Alix?"  Mylene asks.

                             "Marinette is on a date with Adrien, and Alix says she will be over soon," Alya remarks.

                              Mylene hears the doorbell at the bottom of the dormoritory's steps ring again. She goes to answer it.  "Hi, Alix!  Do come in the others are already here for the sleepover," Mylene says.

                                "Hi, Mylene, sorry about him, he came by after I did," Alix says. She goes upstairs to the room Mylene stays in and shakes her head.
                               "Alix, wait what do you mean?" Mylene asks, but before she can close the door she sees him and gasps.

                                 "Hi, Mylene!  Sorry, if I c-came at a b-bad time, but I just had to talk to you," Jack mutters. He blushes and thinks why am I so nervous.

                                 "I will be right out, just wait a second, ok," Mylene says.

                               "S-sure, I will w-wait," Jack says.

                               Mylene goes upstairs, peeps her head into the room and says, "I will be back later.  I will be on a walk."

                               "Ok, see you, sis!" Aurore says, then shrugs her shoulders in confusion.

                                 Mylene goes back downstairs, heads out the door with Jack, her key inside her pocket, and closes it behind her. 

                                "So, Jack what was it you wanted to talk about anyway?"  Mylene ask.

                                "Oh, boy!  How do I put this lightly?  I saw you and Ivan together last Friday,"  Jack says and turns away from her.

                                "Well, you see the thing is Ivan likes me a lot," Mylene says. She thinks, but I love someone else.

                                "Yeah, I could see that but I just have to know, do you love him M-Mylene?" Jack asks. He reaches out and holds her hand.

                                  Jack and Mylene do not notice, but they have not walked that far from the door steps yet.  Basically, they made it to public sidewalk so far.

                                 "No, I love someone else," Mylene says. She blushes and does notice Jack holds her hand.

                                     The two look both ways and cross the street together, and continue the walk in silence. Once at the park, Jack asks, "Oh,w-who is he?"  He lets go of her hand.

                              "It is hard to explain, I do not know him because he just sends me this love letters," Mylene tells him.

                               "What you are in love with the love letter guy?" Jack asks he looks at her in surprise.  He blushes a bit too.

                              "Y-yes, does this mean I am crazy?"  Mylene asks.

                             "No, whoever is, is one blessed guy," Jack replies. He winks at her.

                              "Nice to talking to you M-Mylene, s-see you tomorrow!" Jack says. He blows her a kiss.

                             "Y-yeah, s-see you t-tomorrow, J-Jack!" Mylene says. She thinks he just blew me a kiss.

                               Mylene watches him leave and sighs. She thinks, I can not tell you how I feel. She sighs, and returns to the door, she unlocks it, closes the door, and goes back to her dorm room.

                 She continues to blush the entire time.

                         "Well, how did the walk go?"  Rose  asks.

                         "Yes, do spill!"  Juleka remarks.

                      "Oh, and do tell us all the details!" Alya adds.

                       "Did he kiss you?" Aurore asks.

                     "You have to let us know," Alix states.          

                     "He asked me if I loved Ivan.  I told him no and he sounded relieved," Mylene tells the girls.

                    " Then, he wanted to know who I love, and I told him it is my secret admirer.  He sounded surprised," Mylene remarks.

                      "The weirdiest part was before he left he said," "See you tomorrow, like he usually does,' but then he blew me a kiss,'"  Mylene says. She sighs afterwards.

                     "Wow, Mylene it sounds like Jack loves you.  This secret admirer of yours might have some competition," Rose says.

                      "I think Jack likes you. No, he loves you, Mylene!"  Alya teases her.

                      "I think he has a crush on you," Alix remarks.

                    "Jack sounds like he has a case of Mylenenititis, Get it Mylenenitis?  He loves Mylene for sure!" Juleka states.

                   "Sis, I agree with your friends here, Jack is crushing on you!" Aurore responds.

                  "What?  Jack is my best friend, he is cute, but there is no way he likes me.  I think you are all reading to much into this," Mylene says.  She blushes again when she remembers the look he gave her earlier.

                 "Look, let's talk about something else, please," Mylene tells the others.

                 "Ok, if you insist, " Everyone says together.

                  "What did you think when the frog got loose in class today and Miss Bustier jumped on top of her desk?" Mylene asks.

                   "Haha, that was so funny!" Rose answers.

                   "I know right. The way she responded you would have thought she had seen a spider or something," Aurore tells her.

                  "I never saw Miss Bustier jump off the ground so fast before today," Alix responds.

                "Yes, that was hiliarious!" Alya replies.

                "I must admit that was rather funny!" Juleka responds.

                       The girls got tired, got ready for bed around ten o'clock and got some sleep.  It was a school night after all.  They all slept well.

Mylene's  Secret Admirer by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now