Chapter 11 Jack's Absence from College

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              Three days later, after school, Mylene goes to her locker as usual.   Chloe sees her and asks mockingly,  "Mylene where is your boyfriend?"

                "Yes, where is he?" Lila asks  rudely.

                 "Just tell us, where he is already!"  Sabrina scoffs.

                  "Hey, you three leave Mylene alone!" Ivan tells them.

                   Sabrina, Chole, and Lila all take off at the sametime. They wonder why did Ivan come to Mylene's defense instead of  Jack?

                     "Ivan, where is Jack?" Mylene asks him.

                      "Mylene, Jack's mother called the college earlier. She said he stayed home sick today," Nathaniel and Juleka answer together.

                     "Oh, sorry, Ivan, I did not know he was out sick, today," Mylene tells him. She feels her eyes fill with tears.

                     "It is all right you two are rather close, so it makes sense that you would miss him,"  Ivan replies.

                      "What is that supposed to mean?  He is not my boyfriend, okay!"  Mylene yells at him, grabs her things out of her locker, locks it back and runs off.

                         "Mylene, that is not what I meant," Ivan calls out after her.  He sees her run off and sighs.

                           Mylene is now in her dorm room. She does her homework, then pulls two envelopes out of her bag.

                            Dear Mylene,

                             I hope all is well with you. 

                             You are pretty when you are angry. 

                           For that matter, you are always pretty to me.

                      Sabrina, Chole , and Lila are not still giving you trouble are they?  If they are they will have to answer to me.

                            I left this in your locker on Tuesday, because I thought about telling you who I was that day.

                           Sorry,  I lost my nerve again.

                              I love you!

                        Your Secret Admirer,


               The second note Mylene gets on Thursday reads as follows:

                 Dear Mylene,

                 You are as lovely as you are stubborn.

                  I would give you a hug, but I am not sure how you would respond.

                 I rained a bit today.  I hoped you stayed nice and dry.  I would not want to catch a cold or even worse pneomina.

               It is cold outside along with being wet.  So, please try to keep warm for me.

               As you pass me by I look at you,

                 You look at me,
                 but you do not see me.

                   I feel like we have  a connection,

                  Yet I can not seem to make a simple confession,

                 to tell you how much I love you!


                   Your Secret Admirer,


        PS.  M is for Mysterious

               Y is for  Young

              L  is  for Lovely

              E  is for  Encouraging

            N  is for Nice

          E   is  for  Exciting

             Mylene's  POV:

       Mylene thinks, who is this guy?  Sometimes he writes poetry and other times he just writes to me.

          I missed Jack today since he was out sick. I hope he gets better soon.   I admit I  look forward to when he walks with me to the dorm's steps.

               Sabrina's  POV:

              What does Ivan and Jack see in that Mylene girl? She  is so weird.

            Jack is too good for her and Ivan is not good enough for her.

               Ivan is at his place now.  He thinks, Mylene sure was disappointed Jack was absent today.

                 Ivan's  POV:

                 Why does Mylene care if Jack is not there?  Does she love him?

                  Jack's POV:

                   I hate to be home sick.  I did not get to see or speak to Mylene.

                    I love her and wonder what is she up to now.

                 Jack's POV:

              I missed walking Mylene back to her dorm today.

              Ugh , why did have to wake up sick and with a fever?

                Mylene's Secret Admirer's POV:

                  Mylene do you love me, or is this a rotten trick you play on me?

                   Are you all right my love?  I hate to see you cry.  I love you!

                 "I sure hope Jack is better by tomorrow," Mylene tells her sister.

                "Yes, well that is to be expected under the circumstances,"  Aurore remarks.

               "What do you mean?"  Mylene asks.

              "Oh, you two just seem rather closely lately," Aurore responds.

               "Have you  been talking to Ivan or something?" Mylene says with a scowl.

              "No, I do not get what you are so upset about anyway," Aurore answers.

             "I thought you liked Jack," She says.

              "Well, everyone keeps claiming he is my boyfriend, but he is not," Mylene scowls again.

             "He never asked me to be his girlfriend," Mylene blurts out.

             "I am sure he will someday," Aurore states, then grins.

             "No, he just considers me to be his best friend that is all," Mylene agrues.

           "I think you are jumping to crazy conclusions, Sis," Aurore tells her.

               Mylene's POV:

             Is  Aurore right?

               Will Jack ask me out.

                   Mylene shakes her head and thinks, no way.  There is no way on earth that he sees me as anything other than best friend material.

Mylene's  Secret Admirer by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now