𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 [ᴊᴊᴋ ᴘᴏᴠ]

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The ecstasy controlling me was overpowering my senses. I could feel the unexpected rushes of adrenaline race through my body, feeding me more energy. The powerful voices of the rest of the members booming around the stadium, creating a forceful echo for those outside the huge building to hear. ARMY's voice, loud, cheering us on as we performed. I never wanted this feeling to end, the glistening droplets of sweat slowly falling from my face to my neck. We were performing Baepsae, a song with a very explicit but loved choreography. I loved the way the audience got crazy at some points, but I was also not missing the hungry stares I kept receiving from my boyfriend. The hip thrusts only got more intense as the song progressed, as I felt the music possessing my body completely. I gave myself to it without a doubt.

It seemed as the hype was never going to end, it was a lot, but I was loving every second of it. I decided to go in front of the big screen and go harder with the hip thrusts along with my Jimin. He also loved to rile up his boyfriends, it was to his advantage. I remember he once told me he didn't mind not walking since his boyfriends felt bad and gave him twice as more attention. Yoongi and Hoseok were dying on the inside despite their composed state. He was so gonna get in trouble for doing that, the fucker was enjoying all of it. Our eldest was not innocent either, he was also riling Namjoon up. We might act angelic around the camera as we have never done wrong, but we sure as hell are not. Yes, we love the cuddles and the gentle kisses but we also enjoy...other actions.

I was on cloud 9, seeing Taehyung get almost mad. He knew I knew what I was doing, it's a plan that works almost every single time. Us subs always plan this, it's our thing. The one that loses it the most is my boyfriend, and I fucking love every second of it. The song feels like it's lasting for eternity, but I don't mind, it's the last song of the night and I want our ARMY to enjoy it. Once again, the last hip thrust of the song and it ended, sudden but expected. Now, it was one of my favourite parts, we got to speak with ARMY, tell them how much we love them. Indeed one of the best things I was given the chance to do.

Another thing I love about this last part is that I can often stand next to Taehyung. Fool around and finally be close to each other after a long concert. We are sort of each other's charger, just being in the presence of each other makes us less tired and even less ill at times. Often getting called meant to be. Confusing, I know. Without even wasting time, Taehyung and I walked straight to each other and stood there, already feeling some energy fill our bodies. Coming down from the high the concert gives us brings exhaustion to our body, that's when we start noticing how tired we are. Regardless, as we stood next to each other and our hands brushed briefly, I started feeling better.

Here comes my absolute favourite parts of the concert, holding Taehyung's hand. Yes, I do it a lot privately. But the thought of holding him the way I want to in front of everyone becomes slightly realistic when we bow down. Except for this time, he didn't hold my hand, but instead swung it and hit my ass roughly. Earning a loud gasp that was drowned with the cheers coming from the audience as they witnessed a taekook moment in real life. I managed to extinguish the burning sensation in my cheeks before it spread down to there. He chuckled loudly, the sound also coming out mute because of the insane screaming. The only way I could he was laughing was because of the huge boxy smile decorating his already beautiful features. A smile I had grown to love from always looking at it before we started dating. How am I so lucky? Besides that, his smile suddenly turned into a serious expression that made him look even more gorgeous.

Namjoon was done with his speech after a pretty long time, it was sad, seeing the tears in ARMYs eyes. Hell, I was crying too. It hurts to see them like this, feeling like a precious moment to them was already over. I could see everyone wanted to leave, not because they wanted to finish the concert but because they were all excited about what came afterwards. Not going to lie, I am too. This night is gonna be something to remember.

The rest was a blur, the fireworks illuminated the sky. Giving us enough time to sneak off the stage without being seen by ARMY, we didn't want them to be even sadder. We ran off the stage and drank some water, the car ready for us to leave. Back at the dorms was an adventure. I laughed as I saw Namjoon carrying Jin to his room and locking it shut. The trio pulling their only bottom away, as he winked at me. And saying something along the lines of "Maknaes, we're off for the night. Don't try to bother us or you're gonna get hurt. Love you guys, goodnight."

That left Taehyung and me in the living room, drowning in a comfortable silence that was interrupted with one of my boyfriend's loud ass sneezes that I had accustomed to over the years of living in the same dorms as him. Weird as it sounds, I had grown to love them too. He wore the same serious expression as at the concert, so I turned around to head to my room before I felt two arms snaking around my waist. Something very familiar. Then a face burying into my neck, even more, familiar to me. I just leaned back into the touch, knowing damn well who the person was. Next thing I know, I was getting carried bridal style to our room. What happened next was loving, like I had never felt before. A beautiful sensation corrupted my thoughts. Something I would want everyone to feel, not sex, but the making of love. Taking the time to show how much you love your partner. Expressing how their deepest insecurities are something you adore. It's a beautiful thing to share with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

The night was also filled with noises coming from all rooms.

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