Chapter 17

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((The song is for a bit later in the chapter :D))

~~ Cross looked around to see that he was at his homeland. 

"Weird..." Cross mumbled, just as he heard people arguing. Cross turned around to see Nightmare and Dream bickering. 

"You're so unfair!" "I'm in fair?! You're the one that-" 

They stopped when they noticed Cross was staring at them. 

"Make him pick," Nightmare growled, then Dream looked at Cross. "Cross," Dream called. "... Yes, my Prince..." Cross said softly. 

He had thought he was on the ship with Nightmare... but now they're all at his island? Weird...

"... Don't you love me...? We've been betrothed for years...! Don't you want to marry me...?!" Dream said, then Nightmare hugged himself. "Cross...! We've been through so much together...! We kissed...! We-" "You kissed my betrothed?!" Dream said. 

Cross was about to say something, but...

"Cross, I know we haven't known each other long...! But we've down like- everything together...! You haven't done anything with Dream! And he has another husband! You can just-" Nightmare was cut off when Dream covered his mouth. "But I need you, Cross," Dream said softly. 

Cross blushed, but before he could even speak, they did. 

"Please...! Marry me instead of him!" They both said. 

"No...! Cross is mine!" "He was mine first!!" 

Cross was honestly lost in words. He didn't know whether to be with Nightmare... or Dream...

"Stop fighting," Cross said, then they both instantly stopped and looked at him. Cross sighed. "Why don't... I marry both of you," Cross said with a wicked smirk. "And you'll love me more, right?" Nightmare said. "No! He'll love me more!" Dream said, then Dream and Nightmare glared at each other. 

Cross shook his head. He wanted- needed a solution. But, what would he even do in a situation like this? His two favorite people; the ones he's in love with are fighting. 

Cross suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if he was being stabbed inside to out. 

Nightmare was in front of Cross in an instant. He cupped Cross' cheeks. 

"Are you okay?" Nightmare asked softly.

Dream clutched his fists and growled under his breath. 

"I'm fine... Night... m..." Before Cross could finish, everything around his went black. ~~~

((Song starts here))

Cross gasped as he shot up.
He looked around in panic. 

He was in Nightmare's cabin on his ship, but Ink was there. 

"Finally! You're awake! Get up and let's go!" Ink said. 

Cross felt dizzy and his head was pounding. He could hear Lust's siren shrieks. The whole ship was rocking and moving by huge forces. 

"What's going on?" Cross asked as he got up, almost falling, but we caught himself. "There's a Kraken and a whirlpool! Come on! Killer says to go downstai-" Ink was cut off when something fell on top of his head. "Ow!" Ink hissed as Cross looked away, trying not to laugh. Ink scoffed. He grabbed Cross' wrist and pulled him towards the door, but Cross stopped. 

"Where's the captain?" Cross growled. "He's with Error! Now come on!" Ink growled, but something hit the ship with such a hard force, Ink fell over, but he pulled Cross down with him. 

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