Chapter Fifteen

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Roslin woke with a smile early the next morning. There had been no nightmares, no visions, and no strange ladies singing. For once, she'd actually gotten a good night's sleep. Stretching like a cat, Roslin savored the feeling of being well rested before she jumped out of bed. Shee had far too much energy to laze about.

Looking out the window at the beautiful morning, she quickly got dressed. If she hurried, she'd manage to do some flying before breakfast, or horseback riding. Bounding out of her room and up the stairs to Draco's, she knocked on the opened door, snickering at the sight of blond hair sticking up in all directions.

"What?" a petulant voice asked. Clearly, the Veela had not appreciated being awakened at 5.30 in the morning.

"Good morning sleepy head!" Roslin called chirpily. "It's a glorious day outside and I am going riding. Wanna come?"

"Humph!" Draco groaned pulling the covers over his head.

"No? Ok, see you at breakfast then," Roslin called, determined to savor this morning no matter what.

However, Draco was beginning to wake up and his brain had, reluctantly, kicked into gear. Throwing the covers back, he quickly sat up calling: "No! Wait! I'll come with you."

Roslins face lit up. "You will? That's great Draco! I'll saddle up the horses. Don't be long!" She said running from the room.

Draco groaned, but climbed out of his nice warm bed and headed for the bathroom. This was the second morning Roslin had dragged him out of a lovely dream, and he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last. Grumbling he dressed and hurried after his mate, not wanting to keep her waiting. Merlin only knew what mischief that girl might decide on with no Draco there to keep an eye on her. He had had no idea that such a devious mind had been kept hidden behind the meek persona Potter had presented to the world for the past five years. He couldn't wait to find out what else Roslin had been hiding.

Walking outside Draco found Roslin already mounted and waiting for him, holding the reins of his roan. Accepting them, he gracefully swung into the saddle, only then noticing the large dog sitting on the other side of Roslins horse; his tongue lolling as he panted.

Draco looked up at Roslin, one eyebrow raised.

"Don't look at me, he wanted to come with us, and I'm sure the horses won't mind. Much."

Draco snorted. "Don't come crying to me when you get thrown because of that coward of a dog. Really, what Hagrid sees in him I'll never know."

Roslin merely laughed and urged her mount forward. With a shout, Draco gave chase and soon the two were laughing, chasing the wind, not a care in the world with a wildly barking Fang running alongside them.

Hagrid looked out of his window and smiled at the sight. He'd been worried when the Headmaster had told him of the Veela and his choice, but so far Roslin had been happier than he'd seen her in years.

Another set of eyes were watching and smiling as well. Silver eyes that usually were cold warmed at the two carefree figures, and he felt a feeling of gratitude sweep through him. He had worried that Draco would end up in the same trap he had been in, but so far Roslin had been a delightful surprise. Lucius had a feeling the wizarding world would never realize what was going on until after Roslin had molded the world to be what she wanted it to be.

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