Chapter Thirty-Six

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Roslin woke up and immediately knew where she was. There was only one place that smelled like this. The hospital wing.

For a moment she debated going back to sleep, but she was too well rested for that to be an option, so she opened her eyes instead, intent on sneaking out of the infirmary at earliest opportunity.

Instead of the sharp, bright light that usually assaulted her first thing when she managed to open her eyes in this place, she was faced with a sea of green. Blinking her eyes a few times to see if that made a difference - it didn't - she leaned up on an elbow to try and figure this mystery out.

Then she chuckled. How could she have forgotten Draco? It was his shirt she had been pressed tightly against.

"See something amusing?" Draco asked, having followed Roslin's attempts to fully wake up.

"Nah, just trying to figure out when Pomfrey abandoned white for green," Roslin replied, sitting up properly in the bed.

Draco looked startled for a moment, and then he laughed. Setting the book he'd been reading aside, he too sat up, allowing the light blanket that had been covering them to fall to the side. "Is there any point of me asking how you are feeling?"

"Nah, I'm fine," Roslin said with a giggle. It felt good to have someone to joke around with. To be with someone you could be yourself with; someone with whom you didn't have to watch every word you were about to say in fear of setting them off into a rant if what you said didn't fit their image of you.

Feeling her heart swell with emotions, Roslin reached out and gently stroked the back of her fingers along Draco's fine cheekbone. "Thank you," she whispered, knowing the words were woefully inadequate for expressing what she wanted to say.

"You are welcome, love," Draco murmured, afraid to upset the fragile moment, happily drowning in Roslin's green, expressive eyes.

Roslin had no idea how long they'd been sitting there, gazing into each other's eyes when her stomach suddenly growled, destroying the moment.

Looking down and giving it a glare, she couldn't help but chuckle when Draco's infectious laugh filled the room. "I think someone needs to be fed," Draco said with affection tinged with amusement.

Roslin smiled ruefully, "I guess so. What time is it anyway?"

Draco cast a quick Tempus. "Five o'clock. No wonder you are hungry, you haven't eaten since breakfast. I'll call for the nurse and..."

"Do you have to? Can't we just sneak out of here? She will spend the next half hour fussing and scolding. I'm fine. Starved, but fine. Please, Draco?"

Draco looked at his mate and caved. How was he supposed to refuse that look? Besides, both Severus and Pomfrey had stated that all Roslin needed was to sleep the effects of the potion off, and she had done that. Add to that the way the nurse had been skulking around, looking like she wanted to do something to the girl, but unable to due to her being so close to the Veela, and the decision to sneak out was easy to make.

Nodding his head in agreement, Draco slid out of bed, picking up the book he had been amusing himself with while waiting for Roslin to finally wake up, and shrinking and tucking it into a pocket. Looking over at Roslin, he wasn't surprised to find that the youth was already waiting for him at the door, practically jumping from foot to foot. Snickering softly, Draco hurried over to her, and together they opened the door a crack and slipped through it, never alerting the mediwitch of their departure.


"That was way too easy!" Roslin stated, collapsing on a sofa the moment they arrived in their private suite.

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