Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Greetings, what are you doing inside on such a fine day?" Lucius asked stepping through the portrait hole. He had been surprised when the necklace informed him that the two were in their rooms.

Roslin had left shortly after she'd dropped her little bombshell, Draco going with her. Lucius had stayed for a while longer, but when Severus immersed himself in research of the potion they needed he had decided to leave. If you disturbed the Potions Master when he was working, your health was definitely in peril. Lucius had no wishes to get additions to his body thank you very much, or have his current limbs changed into strange colours and/or shapes.

Besides, he needed to make sure that Roslin had calmed down after her meeting with that fool Albus.

Roslin looked up from where she was sitting, a bowl of beans beside her. "Hello Lucius, I'm working on extracting revenge and trying to think up something to do for the Forgotten Art's class. What do you think of a statue of the Dark Lord in his full glory?"

"Umm, maybe you should try and do something less... violent and... gory. I don't think that was what the Professor had in mind when he told you to be creative."

"Pity," Roslin said with a straight face. Then she broke into a fit of giggles, leaving father and son to shake their heads at her antics.

Roslin went back to bespelling her beans, using an old spell she'd found in one of the journals from the Black library. The only drawback was that they had to be bespelled individually, or they could be traced back to her and that was something she wasn't ready for yet. She wanted to aggravate Dumbledore, make his life hell for a while as he had done to Roslin, but she wasn't ready to openly defy the old man. She was still too vulnerable for such an occurrence, hence why she was spelling several dozens of beans one by one.

Glancing up, she couldn't help but smile. Lucius and Draco were sitting side by side on one of the couches, talking about something. The atmosphere in the room was cosy and inviting and she knew that if she wanted to, she was welcome to join them. They honestly wanted to be with her, spend time with her. To them, she wasn't a burden, or a chore. They actually, genuinely, cared for her.

Finishing off the last few beans, Roslin created a pouch and put them in it. She would seek out her potential ally later tonight and hopefully there would be chaos tomorrow morning. Roslin grinned, she couldn't wait.

Leaning back and stretching, Roslin considered what to do next. She wasn't in the mood to work on her essays or read. She longed to join the two blonds, but they were having a serious discussion about something and she didn't want to intrude until they'd finished.

Pulling one of the 'toothpicks' from her pocket, Roslin resized it and stared at it with a pensive look. For once she actually wanted to show off in class and she had no idea what to make.

Letting her gaze wander around the room her eyes fell on an open book Draco had been leafing through. There was a picture of one of the constellations and suddenly an image jumped into her mind. Rushing into her room, Roslin went to the small bookshelf in the corner and she searched the books almost frantically. She had gathered all her school books there, including the ones from her Astronomy classes. There should be a detailed sketch in one of them of the night sky, she thought.

Finding the book she needed, Roslin returned to the living room, never noticing the curious looks she got from the other two. Opening the book at the appropriate page, Roslin committed to memory the layout of the stars and the correct placement of all the constellations. Cutting the log in half, she placed the tip of her wand on one half and uttered the spell. When she opened her eyes again, a sphere was resting on the table and on it was the entire night sky, the stars standing out in relief.

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