Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Roslin woke slowly the next morning, vaguely surprised at how comfortable and safe she felt. She didn't think she had ever felt this good and she couldn't help but wonder what had caused this feeling. Opening a bleary eye to investigate, Roslin was astonished to find Draco peacefully sleeping next to her. Blinking both eyes open, she noted that yes, the Veela really was sleeping next to her. Casting her mind back, Roslin tried to figure out why. Had she had another nightmare? Shouldn't she remember it if that was the case? Especially if it was bad enough to have made Draco come running?

"Morning, love... Sleep well?" Draco asked sleepily, luxuriating in being so close to his mate.

"Um, yeah, I think so," Roslin murmured, still trying to figure out what had happened. Then she remembered and she allowed her head to drop back onto the pillow. How utterly humiliating, not being able to go to sleep without a hug, as if she was some baby.

"Whatever you are thinking, stop it this instance!" Draco ordered sternly, "you are interrupting my basking."

"I'm what?" Roslin asked, utterly baffled.

"I'm trying to enjoy my first night in your bed," Draco patiently explained, still snuggled next to Roslin, his arm around her waist, revelling in the warmth. "I don't know what you were thinking, but the bad vibes are interfering, just thought you might want to know," he added graciously.

Roslin stared up at the ceiling in disbelief, then she broke down into giggles. This was just too surreal! "I'm so sorry to disturb you, your highness, let me know when it is safe to start thinking."

Draco's reply was a sharp poke in the ribs with a pointy index finger. "I don't mind you thinking, you prat, but I do mind when you get all tensed up and start thinking that you've done something wrong. So you needed a hug last night, so what? I've needed a hug lots of times and neither father nor Severus think any less of me, so why should you? Unless you think you should be above such things?" he demanded, causing Roslin to sigh.

"No, I don't think I'm above needing a hug. The point is that I shouldn't need it!"

Draco considered the statement for a moment. Rising up on an elbow so he could see his mate's face, he said, "That made no sense whatsoever, you know that right?"

Roslin groaned in annoyance, it did too make sense. "What I meant was that nothing happened yesterday to make me feel like I'd need a hug," she answered patiently.

Draco merely shrugged and snuggled back down. "Then I guess the two of us will have to agree to disagree," was all he said, pulling Roslin close for some more basking.

Roslin wasn't sure how she felt about that, but she was and to comfortable to make a fuss so she snuggled down for a few more minutes. The alarm clock put an end to their cuddling when it went off a few minutes later, causing Roslin to start, and Draco to almost jump out of his skin.

"Salazar and his snakes, what was that?" the blond demanded when he had gotten his wildly beating heart somewhat under control.

"That was my alarm clock," Roslin replied with a grin.

"That thing could wake the dead!" Draco complained, "Are you that much of a hard sleeper?"

"Ron gave it to me last Christmas; he said he was sick and tired of trying to wake me up in the mornings. I'm usually a light sleeper, but what with the visions and the nightmares I suffered from last year, once I was asleep, I tended to stay asleep," Roslin said somewhat sheepishly, crawling out of the bed.

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