Chapter Forty-One

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It took awhile, but eventually everyone had finished their meal, even Roslin. Once the leftovers were sent back to the kitchen, Draco stood up from the chair. He looked over at Roslin who was staring at the ground, slumped over slightly. 

Draco picked her up, one arm under her legs and the other under her back. It startled her slightly, but she wrapped her arms around his neck once she realized that it was him. He walked with her over to the couch, slowly settling down in it with her in his lap. She shifted a bit as he did to get more comfortable before laying her head against his chest, arms still loosely around his neck.

"Now then, those three have informed me of what they could, but I need to hear the story from you to know how to help you the best," Helga said in a businesslike manner once Roslin was settled. "Don't leave anything out now. This is very important."

Roslin looked up at the Hufflepuff Founder and found herself at the center of attention from everyone, both living and dead. Blushing hotly, she asked "What exactly is it you want to know?"

"Everything! Start with when you first noted something different. I understand you had your sixteenth birthday this summer? How long before that day did you start noting the changes?" Helga asked, still using a no-nonsense voice. It was clear to everyone that this was important, and that she was not about to be put off.

Sighing deeply and burrowing deeper into Draco's embrace, Roslin cast her mind back to the beginner of the summer.

"I think it all began the night Sirius died. I was so angry that night. Especially after Dumbledore 'apologized' and finally told me what it was all about. So much could have been avoided. I would have done so many things different if I'd had even the smallest inkling of what was going on.

"When I was finally allowed to leave his office, I could feel my magic crackling around me and I just knew I had to find a way to safely get rid of it." Roslin smiled wryly. "So, I went to the Room of Requirement. It was most helpful, producing I don't know how many tea sets, apples, and pumpkins for me to smash. By the time I was no longer crackling, I was exhausted and I barely made it back to the tower.

"For the next few days I felt... normal, I guess. There were no more outbursts of magic or anything like that. Then again, I spent most of my time on my own, roaming the hallways, so there wasn't really anything that could set me off. I was still in denial, I guess. I just refused to believe that Sirius was gone. I kept waiting for him to pop up around some corner and shout 'Surprise!', or something just as inane."

Roslin sighed and smiled a bitter little smile, devoid of any and all humor. "He never came though. I don't think I will ever forgive him for that. He promised he would always be there for me, but in the end he left too." Roslin sighed once more, this time in appreciation when Draco began to run a hand through her hair. It was very soothing, and she smiled faintly at the feeling.

"When Remus and the others dressed Uncle Vernon down, threatening him with bodily harm if they didn't take good care of me, I was so happy. I took it as a sign that they truly cared for me. I mean, even Mad-Eye Moody joined the fray to ensure that I was safe. I had this big ball of something in my chest, and I was positively beaming all the way home.

"The beam died down once I was back inside Privet Drive though. Uncle Vernon subjected me to a very long rant, yelling at me for lying to the freaks about the care they had given me over the years. He actually had this long list with stuff they had done for me. As I sat there listening, I become more and more stunned when I realized that he truly felt that they had taken good care of me. After all, they had given me a roof over my head, no matter that that roof had been the cupboard under the stairs. And they had fed me, given me food at least once a day. No matter that that food mostly were things that Dudley refused to eat. And since he is a walking garbage disposal...

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