Chapter Thirty-Nine

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" What did Dumbledore want?" Hermione asked when Ron returned to the common room after his second trip to the Headmaster's office. She was hoping that the professor had decided to go easy on her boyfriend, but somehow she did not think that was the case.

Ron merely glared at her.


Ron sighed but went to sit beside her, putting up a privacy screen, not wanting to be overheard. "What do you think he wanted, Hermione? That bastard took away my Prefect badge! Mum is going to skin me alive! And whose fault do you think it is that I lost that badge? Roslin's! I can't believe she is turning her back on us like this! We've been at her side through thick and thin and this is how she repays us? I don't think so! I'm going to write the twins. Roslin won't know what hit her once I'm through with her. Just you wait!"

"I can't believe Roslin would demand your badge. She knows how proud you are of being a Prefect."

Ron snorted. "I bet you it was all Lucius Malfoy's idea, and these days what Malfoy wants, Malfoy gets."

"I still can't believe this is what Roslin wants."

"Believe what you want, 'Mione. I know what I know. Roslin has become a snake. The sooner you realize that, the better. She has turned her back on us. You heard her; she doesn't care any more. All she cares about is that Ferret. I wonder if she will be as fond of him after he's been turned into one for a week or two?"

"Ron! What are you going to do?" Hermione asked, getting a bit alarmed.

"I told you. I'm going to write the twins. They've got this new sweet... It isn't finished yet, but I bet they'll let me test it on Malfoy."

"Ron, don't do anything stupid. You are in enough trouble as it is," Hermione warned, trying to get him to change his mind.

Ron merely snorted. "I did not start this, 'Mione, but I can promise you that I will end it. Roslin and Malfoy will regret the day they decided to mess with me!" He climbed to his feet, taking down the screen as he stood. Stalking up to the dorm, he was mentally reviewing the things he'd tell his brothers. He was sure they would side with him and help him out. They might like Roslin, but he was their brother. Family always came first. Smirking, Ron lost himself in images of Draco as a furry Ferret, bouncing off the walls.

"What was that all about?" Ginny asked, plonking down next to Hermione.

The bushy haired girl sighed. "Ron just lost his Prefect Badge and he is blaming Roslin. I'm worried, Gin, he said he was going to write the twins. Something about an untested candy he wanted to give to Draco."

"What? What in Merlin's name did he do that cost him his badge?" Ginny asked, getting worried as well. "I thought it was near impossible to lose your badge once it was given to you."

"No, not impossible. It just isn't very common since the ones chosen as Prefects normally are mature for their age."

"Then who the hell decided it was a good idea to give it to Ron?" Ginny demanded, all too aware of her brother's childish streak.

"I don't know," Hermione sighed.

"What exactly did he do?"

Hermione sighed a second time but figured the whole thing would be all over the school anyway, and told Ginny everything that had happened.

Ginny listened in silence, fuming more and more the further Hermione got. She couldn't believe that brother of hers. Rising to her feet, she too stalked to her dorm. She would write the twins as well, but unlike Ron, she would tell them everything. Then she was going to warn Roslin and Draco, making sure they were aware of the danger they were in. Then she would sit back and enjoy the show. Whatever Ron planned to dish out, she was positive Roslin and Draco would return it tenfold.

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