Chapter Forty

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Draco shifted his position and winced slightly when one of the carvings on the headboard he was resting against poked him sharply in the back. Even though he was leaning against a small mountain of pillows, he could still feel the infernal thing.

"Salazar's beard, did he have to have them animated!" he muttered to himself, shifting his body once more when the first dragon was joined by a second one.

Trust Severus to have a headboard carved with images of dragons. Draco thought to himself. If people knew, they might start asking why I was named Draco. Wouldn't they be shocked to find out that I was given that name because my father's mate is obsessed with the creatures? He is just as mad about them as Hagrid is, only he hides it better than that oaf does. Come to think of it, I wonder how Father managed to slip that name past Narcissa. She can't have guessed why he picked that particular name, because if she had realised...

Dropping that line of thought, not wanting to get upset and risk disturbing Roslin, Draco looked down at the body resting so peacefully against him. Once again, he was hit with the beauty of his mate.

Almost of their own volition, his hand reached up to card through the mass of dark hair. He hadn't believed it when Roslin had dropped her glamour. Oh, he had known that Roslin wasn't fully human. Her scent had been a dead giveaway that first morning in the Great Hall. Yes, he had known, mentally. It still hadn't prepared him for the first true sight of his mate in full elf-mode. Roslin was just exquisite. Delicious.


Draco felt his face break out into a tender smile. Never in a million years had he imagined while growing up that one day, he would be together with someone like Roslin. Oh, the girl had her faults, but somehow they all paled in comparison with all her other qualities. Had his father felt this way when he had realized that Severus was his mate? He would have to ask him one of these days. Maybe once they had bonded; maybe then the subject wouldn't be so painful for him and they could talk about the early days. Before...

Pushing the sad thoughts away, Draco chose to focus on the morning when he had, for the first time, 'sniffed' out who his mate was. How long ago that morning seemed. Amazing how much could happen in a few short days.

Draco snorted to himself and allowed his head to fall back against the headboard with a soft plonk. Almost immediately, he jerked his head forward with a wince. Reaching up to rub at the sore spot, he shifted slightly so he could crane his neck and glare behind him. As he had thought, two extremely smug looking dragons were waving at him. Trust Severus to have animated dragons that were just as snarky as he was!

Sticking his tongue out at the things, Draco picked up his wand and cast a Cushion Charm on the headboard. Let the dragons try to poke through that!

Feeling the body in his arms move, Draco looked down at Roslin again and smiled tenderly. Roslin. His mate. His mate who was an Elf. Who'd have thought? Allowing his mind to wander freely, Draco continued to card through the sleek hair, taking care to avoid the cute as hell ears. Helga had warned him that they were extremely sensitive, and she had advised against stimulating them while Roslin was in a healing trance.

But a boy could dream, couldn't he?

Draco found that his nighttime dreams had taken on an entirely new erotic twist, and he had a sneaking feeling he was developing an ear fetish. Then again, how could he not? Roslin's ears had always been cute, he supposed. Nothing truly special for a human, yet very cute.

They were something else now. Elegantly shaped into a sharp point that was just begging for someone to suck them. Nibble them. Lick them. The way they were peeking up through the masses of dark hair, as if they were a pair of islands in a stream or something, did not take away from their attraction; in fact, it was quite the opposite.

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