Chapter Thirty-Three

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Roslin ran down the corridors of Hogwarts. She had to find Draco. She wasn't sure why, she only knew that something terrible would happen if she didn't.

Rounding a corner, Roslin sighed in relief as she saw the Veela's fair hair practically shine in the dimly lit corridor. Opening her mouth to call out to her boyfriend, Roslin froze as she saw herself move towards Draco, whose face lightened up in a happy smile.

"No," Roslin whispered in anguish, suddenly just knowing that things were about to turn ugly. "No!" she shouted, trying to rush forward, to stop whatever was about to happen. But to her horror, Roslin found that she could not move. She shouted once more to alert Draco of the danger, but the blond boy didn't hear her.

"Roslin!" Draco cried out in happiness. "There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Where were you?"

"I was working on getting you a present," the wrong Roslin said with a tender smile. "Do you want to see it?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to see it!" Draco replied, sounding and looking really excited.

"Draco, no!" Roslin cried, fighting to get closer to the boy, but it was as if she was walking in quicksand or something. The events taking place before her eyes seemed to happen at an accelerated pace, while she was moving excruciating slow.

"As you wish," the other Roslin said, and with a smile, she threw her hands forward. Lights appeared at the tip of her fingers, and throwing her head back, laughing like a maniac, the lights shot forward, into Draco's chest.

Draco looked down, surprise and confusion evident on his face. Looking back up at Roslin, he managed to get out a, "What...?" before he exploded like a firecracker.

"Nooo!" Roslin shouted, and finally, finally, she was able to move again. Rushing forward, she grasped the other Roslin and threw her against the wall. "Why?" she demanded, "why did you do that? Why did you kill him?!"

Roslin just smirked at her. "Because I could."

"No." Roslin shook her head and slowly began to back away from the laughing figure in front of her. "No," she whispered, heartbroken. "Noooooo!" she threw her head back and screamed, tears falling down her face.


Draco was startled awake by a blood-curdling scream. Shooting up in bed, he looked around wildly in an attempt to find out where it was coming from. A moaning sob had him turning towards his mate, and he realised with a start that it was Roslin who had screamed. Fully awake in an instant, he reached out and shook Roslin's shoulder, trying to rouse her, but Roslin merely moaned and curled up in a tight ball.

Filled with an urgent need to wake his mate now, Draco grabbed his wand and dosed Roslin with icy cold water. It worked wonders and the girl sat up with a gasp. Looking around widely, much as Draco had done minutes earlier, Roslin began to cry when she saw Draco sitting there, alive and whole. With a strangled sob, she shot forward and wrapped herself around the Veela, causing him to gasp when the cold body hit him.

Draco rallied though, and instantly wrapped his arms around his mate, attempting to soothe her.

It took several long minutes before Roslin even began to calm down, and Draco was content to whisper sweet nonsense into her ear and run her hand up and down the still too thin back, only pausing long enough to spell both of them warm and dry. Lucius would kill him if he got the two of them sick, and Pomfrey would take too much delight in torturing them with potions and bed rest. Draco shuddered at the mere thought of such a fate.

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