*Chapter 19*

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"Kook! What should I do with my hair?" The boy shouted from the bathroom.

"Come out so I can see you first"

A groan was heard, but soon enough the mint haired boy stood in front of his friend who was looking him up and down. Yoongi was wearing black tight pants, a simple black shirt, topped with an opened red jacket and under you could see black suspenders.

 Yoongi was wearing black tight pants, a simple black shirt, topped with an opened red jacket and under you could see black suspenders

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"Don't style it, just leave it like that. You look hot" Yoongi chuckled at his friend's comment but trusting his judgement he decided not to style his hair.

"Hey, Yoongi?"


"Do you know why Jimin left the basketball team?" 

"Since when do you care? When I joined you already hated him" Yoongi scoffed.

"I did, I hated him because he was better than me and I know I always said that he left because you were better, which I still think is true, and I know it was wrong of me to annoy him so much but you know, I hated him"

"And you don't anymore?"

"Well if he's going to be your future boyfriend, I have to like him"

"Fuck you, he's still with Hoseok"

"Yeah well like you said that's not going to lst much longer. I didn't tell your earlier but I talked with Hoseok a few days ago, he knows something's up with you two. He didn't seem that bothered now that I think of it, maybe cause he- well you know what I mean. And he knows him and Jimin are breaking up soon and will probably not see each other in years, it's better to start mourning the relationship sooner, helps to move on. Besides, Jimin is so fed up with him, he knows that too, but well it'is his fault"

"Jesus, you really have long ass monologues" 

Jungkook laughed at his friend's comment.

"No but honestly Taehyung's told me about him and stuff like that and maybe he deserves a chance. I was a real jerk to him but now that I'm trying to be a better person, I think that I'd like to get along with Jimin."

"I'm proud of you, Kook" Yoongi ruffled the other's hair as he smiled his bunny smile.

"You didn't answer my question about Jimin and the basketball team"

"Fine. Do you remember what happened the day before he quit?"

"No? Should I?"

"Yes, Kook." Yoongi rolled his eyes, sitting down next to his best friend.

"I had joined about a week ago, right? And we were changing in the locker room when Jimin found a note in his locker. He hadn't even opened it, he was simply putting it in his pocket to read it later, when he was on his own. And you being a perfect jerk, you grabbed it and read it out loud, and coincidently it was a love letter from another member of the team, but no one knew who. Everybody laughed at him and called him a fag. Next day he quit the team and came out as gay at school"

"Ohhhhh. So it was my fault... I had forgotten about that" 

Yoongi stayed silent.

"Did we ever know who had written the letter?"


"Probably Hoseok" The ravenette said while nodding his head.

"Probably" The mint haired boy got up. Looking at his watch he saw he only had twenty minutes to go pick up Jimin. " 'Kay I gotta go, thank you for the clothes"

"No problem, hyung. Tell me how it goes 'kay?"

"You got it, bye"

"See ya"

Yoongi ran to his car and drove off to Jimin's house. When he got there, the elder simply honked once, not wanting to get out of the car, knock and having to come inside and all of that. Ten minutes later, Jimin came out wearing a black t-shirt, which he also topped with a jacket, but his was black and shiny which fitted well with his black pants.

 Ten minutes later, Jimin came out wearing a black t-shirt, which he also topped with a jacket, but his was black and shiny which fitted well with his black pants

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"Hello, hyung. Sorry if you had to wait"

"No, don't worry. Can I ask you something?"


"Does Hoseok know we're going to the restaurant together?"

"No, I didn't tell him. We haven't been talking much lately, but anyway we can go eat as friends, right?"


An awkward silence settled in, so Yoongi turned on the engine and drove them to the restaurant, trying not to think about why his chest was hurting like that. Once they got there he got out and went to open the door for Jimin, the boy smiled and awed at the nice restaurant. 

Yoongi had previously called to reserve a table so the boys didn't have to wait. The waiter greeted them and led them to their seat, they quickly ordered and started talking about the graduation and how strange it would be without the seniors. 

The night went on and the two boys found themselves laughing and having an amazing time, all the tension from before faded away with the longing stares and constant smiles on both their faces. The boys shared their desert before Yoongi drove the boy back, Jimin inviting him inside. Yoongi knew it was a mistake to go, but he hadn't found the strenght to say no. 

So the two boys were now sitting on Jimin's bed, the boy had already changed into more comfortable clothes and even though he had pleaded the elder to change aswell, Yoongi assured him he wouldn't stay long and was fine with what he was wearing.

"That's a lot of posters you have" The elder noted making Jimin laugh and start explaining every single one of them.

"But in the end  I like it, it makes the room more personal. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, you're right, it fits you well" 

"And what is me like?" Jimin smiled and went to sit next to the other, cross legged on the bed.

"Warm colors, like orange, yellow or even red. Joyful as well as hopefull, naive but in a good way, as in you haven't lost faith in humanity yet" Jimin laughed but agreed with the elder so far. "Very kind and gentle, happy yet down to earth, dreamy which goes with the hopeful and of course very handsome and brillant"

"Of course" 

"Unbelievable" Yoongi chuckled and ruffled Jimin's hair.

After the younger insited on watching a movie, Yoongi caved and went to lay down next to him to watch the movie. It lasted about an hour and a half and was very interesting, the elder hadn't remembered the name of the film but did enjoy watching it, even more with Jimin. 

In the end, he closed the computer and got up gathering his stuff and even though Jimin didn't want him to leave yet, he knew the elder had already been very patient with him and decided not to bother him any longer tonight. He helped the boy with his stuff and accompanied him outside, the two bid each other goodbye before Jimin went back upstairs and went to sleep. 

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