Chapter one

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Thor woke up abruptly in the early hours of the morning, looking over to his still sleeping brother. The little boy quietly climbed out of bed and onto his brother's, shaking him gently.

"Loki.... Loki wake up," Thor whispered excitedly. Loki only groaned, rolling over and pulling his pillow over his ears.

"Why do you have to wake up so early...." He grumbled from underneath his pillow. Thor flopped onto his little brother's back, startling him.

"The sky's awake... so I'm awake. So we have to play!" Thor said dramatically. Loki sighed, sitting up.

"Fine. Ten minutes, then I'm going back to bed." Thor clapped his little hands excitedly, tugging his brother to their downstairs library in the castle. He closed the door quietly, Loki looking around in the center of the room. Thor ran over to him, bouncing around him and failing to contain his energy.

"Do the magic, do the magic!" He chanted, his blue eyes sparkling with joy. Loki chuckled at his big brother, beckoning him closer and rolling his hands. In between his pale fingers formed a snowball, swirling with magic. He twirled his hands faster, the ball growing larger.

"Ready?" He asked, smirking. Thor nodded happily, and Loki flung the snowball up into the ceiling, making it explode into thousands of shiny blue snowflakes, filled with his magic. Thor was absolutely beaming, his childlike joy shining through his radiant smile. They played for much longer than ten minutes, building snowmen, sledding, skating, and having snowball fights. Thor slid down a snowy ramp, flying into the air, and Loki cast a stream of snow underneath, catching him.

"Again, again!" Thor shouted excitedly, jumping and Loki catching him again with a smile. Thor began to jump faster however, and Loki couldn't keep up with his movements, slipping on the ice as Thor took a jump from a rather high snow mound. In a last attempt to catch his brother, Loki flung a stream of magic, but aimed it wrong, hitting Thor in the head with it. Thor rolled to the ground, unconscious, and Loki ran over to him, terrified. A white strand appeared in Thor's blond hair where Loki had struck him, and Loki screamed for his parents, who came after a few moments. Odin, his father, took one look at his injured son and ran over to the books on the shelf and pulled out and old one with a map to a race of healing creatures. Frigga, his mother, picked up Thor into her arms, wrapping a blanket around his cold body. The family then raced off into the forest on horseback, eventually reaching the race of healing trolls. Odin showed Thor to the leader, who explained that the head was healable, but to be safe, erase all memories of Loki's magic. He then took Loki's hands into his own.

"My dear prince... your power is a gift granted to you by the gods above. Whether it is a blessing or a curse is up to you. You can choose the path of light ..." He showed an image in smoke of Loki ruling Asgard peacefully. "...or you can choose the path of darkness." He showed another image with Loki casting Asgard into ruins, and tyrannically ruling over it all. Loki's eyes widened in fear, and he backed away from the image hugging his mother.

"How can we help him?" Frigga asked worriedly.

"He needs to learn to control it. Fear will get him nowhere. Remember that." He and the other trolls then disappeared into the fog.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Loki grew distant from his brother. He began to isolate himself, eventually moving to his own room and locking himself within it. Thor, with his memories gone, had no idea why his brother was staying away from him so suddenly. One day they were the best of friends, and the next Loki wanted nothing to do with him. Every day, Thor would knock on Loki's door, trying to get him to come out and talk. He always either got no response, or just a reply of "go away". Occasionally, Thor would sit outside Loki's room and talk to him, even though his brother never responded. Unknown to the young prince, Loki was listening to every word, and it broke his heart to not be with Thor. He knew it was for his own safety, though. He couldn't risk hurting him again. As the days turned into months, and those into years, the two brothers saw nothing of each other for twelve years. It was only one day, when their parents were to travel overseas for their cousin's wedding, that they caught a glimpse of each other. Thor, now eighteen, had finished hugging his parents tightly, wishing them luck on their journey. He was headed back to his room when he heard a voice he had not heard in years. Though deeper, he could discern the voice of his brother from his parents voices. Peeking around the corner, he caught sight of the man he had not seen since childhood, and his heart nearly stopped. Loki was breathtaking, and had grown into a handsome young prince at sixteen. He bowed to his parents as they smiled at him.

"Do you have to go?" He asked worriedly.

"You will be fine darling," Frigga reassured, "you have Thor to take care of you until we get back." Loki nodded, by chance glancing towards the place where Thor was watching him. Blue eyes met green for a split second, and Loki broke their gaze quickly, walking quickly back to his room. Thor sighed, retreating to his own. He couldn't understand why Loki was locking him out, but was determined to find out why. He played with his long blonde hair as he looked into his mirror, his hands running across the white streak within it. His mother had told him that it was a birthmark, given to him by creatures from legends she used to tell him. Thor never really understood what or who they were, but listened nonetheless. He missed his mother already, and hoped she would return soon. One day the next week however, the brothers received unthinkable news. Their parents had died in a storm at sea. Thor was crushed, but tried to maintain his calm demeanor as best he could. Loki was devastated as well, for his mother was the only one who he felt could help him control his powers. Thor sat outside his brother's door again, still dressed in black from the funeral. He wiped his eyes, pressing his back to the door.

"It's just us now, huh..." he said quietly, hugging his knees to his chest, "people have been asking about you. I never know what to say. How am I supposed to tell them that my brother has locked himself in his room for gods know what reason?" Thor sighed, reaching his hand under the door. "I don't even know you anymore. And I want to see you. But I can't help if you don't let me. Always remember that I love you, Loki." He began to stand up again, when he felt a gloved hand over his. Thor's eyes widened, and he smiled. On the other side of the door, Loki's eyes were pouring tears, his room coated in ice. He had put his gloves on though, to hold his brother's hand. He said nothing, for he still did not want to get too close to Thor again, for fear of hurting him. His temptations got the best of him though, and he spoke softly, which reached to the other side of the doorway.

"I love you too, Thor." 

Wowee! I'm not dead! So here, have another au... Hope ya like it

-Grace ♥️

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